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Exploring the Legacy of PAN: A jewel in the crown of German Art Nouveau

The following is written by M Clark, instruction and reference graduate assistant of Special Collections and Archives In the blossoming world of the international Art Nouveau movement of the late 1800s, German artists were carving their own unique path that reverberated across Europe. At the heart of this movement stood publications such as PAN, aContinue reading “Exploring the Legacy of PAN: A jewel in the crown of German Art Nouveau”

A Unique Perspective: The JFK Assassination Through the Lens of the Earl F. Rose Papers

The following is written by graduate student worker Bailey Adolph.  A collection that is currently being reprocessed in Special Collections & Archives is the Earl F. Rose Papers, which gives a unique perspective of the John F. Kennedy Assassination and the events that followed. Earl F. Rose was the medical examiner who performed the autopsiesContinue reading “A Unique Perspective: The JFK Assassination Through the Lens of the Earl F. Rose Papers”

Fading Forms of Communication: Uncovering Civil War Stories from Anson Butler

The following is written by Erik Henderson, Graduate Assistant for Iowa Women’s Archives As we have moved into the digital age, the value of handwritten letters has seemingly faded. Archival repositories nationwide are composed of letters because they once encompassed the most influential and sometimes most intimate moments experienced by their authors. Preserving history allowsContinue reading “Fading Forms of Communication: Uncovering Civil War Stories from Anson Butler”

A Virtual Bibliophiles

Today is April 8th, 2020, the day we were supposed to gather for the last Iowa Bibliophiles of the academic year. The plan: come together, eat some tasty snacks, and explore some of the highlights from our collection with the help of our wonderful student workers. Our students had selected manuscripts, books, and more, researchedContinue reading “A Virtual Bibliophiles”

Top 10 Things Found from Student Shelver

I was hired at Special Collections to shelve things. Books, boxes and everything in-between. As time went on, I began putting away newly acquired books as well as gathering the material for classroom use. There are so many books and material passing through my hands each shift I complete, and each book or item isContinue reading “Top 10 Things Found from Student Shelver”

Seth Torchia goes to Washington

Special Collections student worker Seth Torchia spent a fascinating summer interning at the National Archives. We are excited for Seth to have had this wonderful opportunity and asked him to share his experiences below.  This summer, I interned at the National Archives assisting with the Lincoln Archives Digital Project. The Lincoln Archives Digital Project is aContinue reading “Seth Torchia goes to Washington”

Best Wishes to Our Graduating Student Workers

By Lindsay Moen, Department Liaison It has only been a few months into my new position as Department Liaison, and one of my major job duties is to supervise the student employees. I did not anticipate that the hardest part of this new job would be watching wonderful students graduate and leave the department. This FallContinue reading “Best Wishes to Our Graduating Student Workers”