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New acquisition, Neue Jugend, imparts Dada history

The following is written by curator Timothy Shipe Among the International Dada Archive’s latest acquisitions are several issues of the Berlin journal Neue Jugend, founded in early 1914 by two student poets, Heinz Barger and Friedrich Hollaender. Neue Jugend is a telling example of how the Berlin dadaists managed to elude wartime government censorship. TheContinue reading “New acquisition, Neue Jugend, imparts Dada history”

Dada collection grows

The following is written by Tim Shipe, curator of the International Dada Archive Two recent acquisitions by the International Dada Archive illustrate the diversity of Dada and its connection with the developing Central and Eastern European Constructivist movement of the 1920s. Veshch Gegenstand Objet With its trilingual title and multilingual content, Veshch Gegenstand Objet is,Continue reading “Dada collection grows”

The Large Glass finds a home in the International Dada Archive

The following is written by International Dada Curator Timothy Shipe.  The latest major acquisition for the International Dada Archive is The Large Glass and Related Works (1967-1968), an impressive collaboration between artist Marcel Duchamp and the Egyptian-born Italian writer and gallery owner Arturo Schwarz. The magnificent set of two large portfolios contains a monograph byContinue reading “The Large Glass finds a home in the International Dada Archive”