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George Nissen and the Trampoline

George Nissen was born in Blairstown, Iowa, in 1914 and moved to Cedar Rapids as a child. It was at the local YMCA that he would learn both tumbling and diving. In 1930, 16-year-old Nissen attended a circus performance where he saw acrobats falling onto safety nets, finishing their descents with somersaults. Nissen considered theContinue reading “George Nissen and the Trampoline”

Gingerbread Engineering

Snow will soon be here and it’s time for wintertime traditions – which includes gingerbread creations! National Gingerbread House Day is December 12th. Early history of the recipe is hazy, and may range to as far back as Ancient Greece in 2400 BCE to France in 992 AD. Early on, gingerbread was used in religiousContinue reading “Gingerbread Engineering”

Happy Native American Heritage Month!

November is Native American Heritage Month, so let’s celebrate some Native American Engineers! Ely S. Parker (1828-1895) – Seneca, Civil and Military Engineer Born in 1828 on the Tonawanda Indian Reservation, Ely S. Parker lived up to his Seneca name of Do-ne-ho-ga-wa, which means “Open Door.” When doors were closed to him because of hisContinue reading “Happy Native American Heritage Month!”