This post is the tenth installment in our series highlighting African American history in the collections of the Iowa Women’s Archives. The series ran weekly during Black History Month, and will continue monthly for the remainder of 2020. This past summer, we have seen a nationwide movement for change. In Iowa City, Philadelphia, Chicago, Seattle,Continue reading “Edna Griffin, Civil Rights Activist”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
From Alabama to the Barrio: Ernest Rodriguez and the Fight Against Racism in Iowa
This post by IWA Graduate Research Assistant Heather Cooper is the ninth installment in our series highlighting African American history in the collections of the Iowa Women’s Archives. The series ran weekly during Black History Month, and will continue monthly for the remainder of 2020. In honor of Latinx Heritage Month (September 15 – OctoberContinue reading “From Alabama to the Barrio: Ernest Rodriguez and the Fight Against Racism in Iowa”
Reuben Gaines Memoir of Being Black in Buxton, Iowa
This post by IWA Graduate Assistant, Erik Henderson, is the eighth installment in our series highlighting African American history in the Iowa Women’s Archives collections. The series ran weekly during Black History Month, and will continue monthly for the remainder of 2020. The once prosperous coal mining town, Buxton, Iowa, approximately thirty minutes southwest of OskaloosaContinue reading “Reuben Gaines Memoir of Being Black in Buxton, Iowa”
Before the Vote: Black Women’s Political Activism in Iowa
This post by IWA Graduate Research Assistant Heather Cooper is the seventh installment in our series highlighting African American history in the collections of Iowa Women’s Archives and other local repositories. The series ran weekly during Black History Month, and will continue monthly for the remainder of 2020. The State Historical Society of Iowa holdsContinue reading “Before the Vote: Black Women’s Political Activism in Iowa”
Esther Walls: The Role of a Black Leader
This post by IWA Student Specialist, Erik Henderson, is the sixth installment in our series highlighting African American history in the Iowa Women’s Archives collections. The series ran weekly during Black History Month, and will continue monthly for the remainder of 2020. Has anyone told you, you were going to be great in your youth?Continue reading “Esther Walls: The Role of a Black Leader”
Pauline Humphrey & African American Beauty Culture in Iowa
This post by IWA Graduate Research Assistant Heather Cooper is the fifth installment in our series highlighting African American history in the Iowa Women’s Archives collections. The series ran weekly during Black History Month, and will continue monthly for the remainder of 2020. Over the past few months, social media has been filled with peopleContinue reading “Pauline Humphrey & African American Beauty Culture in Iowa”
The IWA Reading Room closed for COVID-19
In response to COVID-19, the Iowa Women’s Archives’ reading room will closed for the time being. We encourage faculty, students, and the public to contact us by e-mail at, although reference services will be limited. For more information on the University of Iowa’s response to COVID-19, please visit:
Virginia Harper and the Battle Against Highway 61
This post by IWA Graduate Research Assistant Heather Cooper is the third installment in our series highlighting African American history in the Iowa Women’s Archives collection. The series will continue weekly during Black History Month, and monthly for the remainder of 2020. If you’re looking for a local history of civil rights activism, look noContinue reading “Virginia Harper and the Battle Against Highway 61”
Iowa Women of the Great Migration: The Maid Narratives
This post by IWA Assistant Curator Janet Weaver and Graduate Research Assistant Heather Cooper is the second installment in our series highlighting African American history in the Iowa Women’s Archives’ collections. The series will continue weekly during Black History month, and monthly throughout 2020. The Iowa Women’s Archives is honored to be the repository forContinue reading “Iowa Women of the Great Migration: The Maid Narratives”
“The Desire for Freedom:” Early African American Settlers and Activists in Iowa
This post by IWA Graduate Assistant, Heather Cooper, is the first of a series highlighting African American history in the Iowa Women’s Archives’ collections. The series will continue weekly during Black History month, and monthly throughout 2020. The Grace Morris Allen Jones collection at the Iowa Women’s Archives consists of only one folder, but insideContinue reading ““The Desire for Freedom:” Early African American Settlers and Activists in Iowa”