Missed anything from today’s Destress Fest? This is the last day for our DeStress Fest. We hope it helped make your days a little easier and, well, less stressed! If you’ve missed anything, head to our website and check it out! Need some humor to start the day? How about a cheesy Dad Joke?Continue reading “DeStress Fest Day 5 Recap!”
Category Archives: Events
DeStress Fest Day 4 Recap!
Missed anything from today’s Destress Fest? Enjoy this recap and then be sure to join us tomorrow! Need some humor to start the day? How about a cheesy Dad Joke? Check our DeStress Fest webpage at 9:00 a.m. every weekday for a new joke to groan at! Today’s joke: There’s a fine line betweenContinue reading “DeStress Fest Day 4 Recap!”
DeStress Fest Day 3 Recap!
Missed anything from today’s Destress Fest? Enjoy this recap and then be sure to join us Monday! Need some humor to start the day? How about a cheesy Dad Joke? Check our DeStress Fest webpage at 9:00 a.m. every weekday for a new joke to groan at! Today’s joke: Did you hear about theContinue reading “DeStress Fest Day 3 Recap!”
DeStress Fest Recap Day 2!
Missed anything from today’s Destress Fest? Enjoy this recap and then be sure to join us tomorrow! Need some humor to start the day? How about a cheesy Dad Joke? Check our DeStress Fest webpage at 9:00 a.m. every weekday for a new joke to groan at! Today’s joke: What does an atom sayContinue reading “DeStress Fest Recap Day 2!”
DeStress Fest Day 1 Recap!
Missed anything from today’s Destress Fest? Enjoy this recap and then be sure to join us tomorrow! Need some humor to start the day? How about a cheesy Dad Joke? Check our DeStress Fest webpage at 9:00 a.m. every weekday for a new joke to groan at! Today’s joke: Two windmills are standing inContinue reading “DeStress Fest Day 1 Recap!”
Take a Break With DeStress Fest!
Take a Break With DeStress Fest! It’s the end of the semester and we are all feeling it. STRESS. But, have no fear – we are here for you! We’re here and you are there, so what can we do to help you feel less stress and anxiety? Have a DeStress Fest, ofContinue reading “Take a Break With DeStress Fest!”
We’re Celebrating Pi Day!
3.141 592 653 589 793 238 462 643 383 279 502 884 197 169 399 375 105 820 974 944 592 307 816 406 286…. We’re celebrating PI DAY on March 12th! 1:00 to 3:00 PM Seamans Center Student Commons FREE APPLE PIE BITES! (while supplies last!) Pi Day is actually celebrated on MarchContinue reading “We’re Celebrating Pi Day!”
Capture Your Research! Image Competition
NEXUS, the College of Engineering, Hancher, and the Lichtenberger Engineering Library have joined together to sponsor the inaugural “Capture your Research! Image Competition!“ Engineering students, faculty, and staff are invited to submit one image which captures the essence of their research. Entries will be judged on originality/creativity, aesthetics – appeal of the image,Continue reading “Capture Your Research! Image Competition”
Engineering Library Escape Room! We Need Your Help!
Looking for inventors, puzzle-lovers, adventure-seekers, escape room aficionados! We plan to build a couple of College of Engineering escape rooms this semester and we would like to get YOU (engineering students, faculty, staff members) involved! We plan to have the rooms ready by Saturday, March 30th. We have two types of tasks for engineering students (faculty,Continue reading “Engineering Library Escape Room! We Need Your Help!”
Spring Learn & Create Workshops!
Exciting New Create & Learn Workshops!! Tuesdays, 2:30 pm Engineering Library Creative Space (2001C SC) We are happy to collaborate with the Engineering Technology Center, NEXUS and the Department of Music to present some exciting workshops! The workshops will be held on Tuesdays from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. See our website for class information andContinue reading “Spring Learn & Create Workshops!”