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DeStress Fest Day 3 Recap!

Missed anything from today’s Destress Fest? Enjoy this recap and then be sure to join us Monday!


Need some humor to start the day? How about a cheesy Dad Joke? Check our DeStress Fest webpage at 9:00 a.m. every weekday for a new joke to groan at!

Today’s joke: 
Did you hear about the mathematician who was afraid of negative numbers?
He’d stop at nothing to avoid them!


At 11:00 a.m. join us for a Live guided meditation session! A representative from Student Wellness will lead you through guided meditation to help you relax, so you are ready to face the rest of the day! Don’t worry if you haven’t tried meditation before, the sessions are short – 10 to 15 minutes. And no, you don’t have to be able to sit in a lotus position to participate! This is a live session so registration is required – you’ll get an email with the session’s link an hour before the session begins. Register here for Monday’s session! The representative will be available for questions following the session. 


Today’s recipe is for a yummy Birthday Cake in a Mug – this recipe also includes instructions on how to make it vegan! It may not be your birthday – but celebrate anyway! We want to see your results – so post your photos here. The crazier the mug – the better!!!




It’s getting later in the day and your motivation is wavering. At 4:00 p.m. each week day check out our Inspirational Quote for the day! 

“Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves come when life seems most challenging.” This inspiring quote comes from Joseph Campbell.

Do you have a quote that you have found to be especially helpful? We have a board where you can share it. It might just be what someone else needs to hear! 

Didn’t make Show and Tail this afternoon? We have a board where we encourage you to post pictures of that special pet that is driving your crazy or making you smile! 

Join us Monday for DeStress Fest Day 4!