Take a Break With DeStress Fest!
It’s the end of the semester and we are all feeling it. STRESS.
But, have no fear – we are here for you!
We’re here and you are there, so what can we do to help you feel less stress and anxiety? Have a DeStress Fest, of course!
Starting Wednesday, May 6th through Tuesday, May 12th, we will be hosting a virtual DeStress Fest! We have activities you can do while maintaining physical distancing but still connecting with others online. The event will feature a LIVE pet show and “tail,” LIVE Guided Meditation Sessions, plus daily dad jokes, mug recipes and inspirational quotes.
On Friday, the 8th, at 2 PM, we’ll be having a “Show and Tail” zoom session!! Be sure to register HERE ahead of time so that you receive the Zoom link an hour before the session. Then, come and share your pets and a tell a story (tale/tail) about your pet! Remember – birds, lizards, turtles, bunnies, etc., all have tails, too! So get registered to participate in “Show and Tail!” If your pet is shy and doesn’t want to appear live (or you aren’t able to be join us during the LIVE portion of Show and Tail) there will be a space on our virtual bulletin board where you can share a picture and a brief story about your pet!
Posted EACH DAY on our social media pages (@UIEngLIB) and on our DeStress Fest webpage:
9:00 AM: There will be a new “Dad Joke” posted! Groaning and eye rolling is encouraged!
11:00 AM: Guided Meditation Session! Student Wellness is providing a live meditation at 11 AM each weekday during DeStress Fest! Each session will include a brief intro about meditation, a 10 minute practice, and then a brief overview of the Student Wellness mindfulness Program. More information on the mindfulness program can be found here.
You may register for the individual sessions at the links below. An hour before each session for which you have registered you will receive an email with the Zoom link.
May 6: Register here.
May 7: Register here.
May 8: Register here.
May 11: Register here.
May 12: Register here.
1:00 PM: A new Mug Cake recipe every day! Make it and share your photos on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages(@UIEngLib) and the DeStress Fest webpage– we want to see those tasty cakes – and the crazy mugs you might have!
4:00 PM: An Inspiration Quote will be posted. You’ll be able to share quotes that have helped you through online learning! We will have a virtual wall on our webpage where you’ll be able to share those quotes that have helped you with the challenges of the end of this semester.
Did you miss something during the day? Don’t worry – check our blog each day and find out what your friends have shared throughout the day!
Check DeStress Fest each day!
Don’t let the stress get you down!
Take A Break With DeStress Fest!!