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Gingerbread Engineering

Snow will soon be here and it’s time for wintertime traditions – which includes gingerbread creations! National Gingerbread House Day is December 12th. Early history of the recipe is hazy, and may range to as far back as Ancient Greece in 2400 BCE to France in 992 AD. Early on, gingerbread was used in religiousContinue reading “Gingerbread Engineering”

Happy Native American Heritage Month!

November is Native American Heritage Month, so let’s celebrate some Native American Engineers! Ely S. Parker (1828-1895) – Seneca, Civil and Military Engineer Born in 1828 on the Tonawanda Indian Reservation, Ely S. Parker lived up to his Seneca name of Do-ne-ho-ga-wa, which means “Open Door.” When doors were closed to him because of hisContinue reading “Happy Native American Heritage Month!”

New Sound Recordings Exhibit in the Library!

This week’s blog is from Keegan Hockett, who curated this exhibit. Keegan Hockett is a graduate music student pursuing his Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Bassoon Performance and Pedagogy with a secondary area in musicology. He also works as a research assistant for the Office of Community Engagement, finding opportunities for UI students who wishContinue reading “New Sound Recordings Exhibit in the Library!”

Open Education Resources and the 5 R’s

One of the best kept secrets of education are Open Educational Resources. The University of Iowa’s adopted definition is: “Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning, and research resources that are free of cost and access barriers, and which also carry legal permission for open use. Generally, this permission is granted by use of anContinue reading “Open Education Resources and the 5 R’s”

Open Science

In 2019, UNESCO created their Recommendation on Open Science, a set of guidelines to help encourage collaboration across national boarders, language barriers, and institutional divides. Open Science advocates for Open Access, but widens the scope to include Open Data, Research, Evaluation, Policies, and Tools.  Open Science leads to more collaborative and democratic discoveries. Institutions thatContinue reading “Open Science”

Celebrate Open Access Week with us!

Happy Open Access Week!  What is Open Access?  According to UNESCO, Open Access is “free access to information and unrestricted use of electronic resources for everyone.” The hope of Open Access is that increased access to research will lead to more collaborative projects and that the removal barriers will create a more equitable research environment.Continue reading “Celebrate Open Access Week with us!”