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Buttons, Buttons, Buttons!

The following is written by Academic Outreach Coordinator Kathryn Reuter On a college campus, chances are high that you will encounter at least one button during the course of your day. Pin back buttons – sometimes called “badges” – have long decorated the tote bags, backpacks, sweaters, and jackets of university students. Buttons proclaim allegianceContinue reading “Buttons, Buttons, Buttons!”

Happy Birthday Lil Picard!

The following is written by academic outreach coordinator Kathryn Reuter. On Tuesday, October 4th, 2022, join the Stanley Museum of Art & the University of Iowa Libraries’ Special Collections and Archives as they celebrate the 123rd birthday of artist Lil Picard! Crafts and cake will be available in the Stanley Museum lobby from 12-2pm, andContinue reading “Happy Birthday Lil Picard!”

A Tale of Tails: Pets in the Archives

A new exhibit bound to make you feel warm and fuzzy is up in the Special Collections & Archives reading room.  Curated by lead outreach and instruction librarian Elizabeth Riordan and academic outreach coordinator Kathryn Reuter, the exhibit A Tale of Tails: Pets in the Archives explores the pets found in Special Collections & Archives,Continue reading “A Tale of Tails: Pets in the Archives”