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Learn OpenRefine! New Learn & Create Xpress Class!!

Using OpenRefine for Cleaning Up Spreadsheet Data!!! We have joined with the Engineering Technology Centers to present a new series of classes!! The Learn & Create Xpress Classes will cover a variety of topics and are scheduled for Thursday afternoons at 2:00 p.m. in the Engineering Library Creative Space. The classes are half an hour long andContinue reading “Learn OpenRefine! New Learn & Create Xpress Class!!”

Join us for Library Events During Engineering Research Week!

The University of Iowa College of Engineering has expanded its traditional Annual Research Open House event into a Research Week, celebrated this year from April 9-13.  The week now features numerous activities that showcase how Engineering impacts the university’s stratetic direction in conducting leading-edge research. We are excited to be participating in Research Week!!  Continue reading “Join us for Library Events During Engineering Research Week!”

Check Out a Living Book!

ENGINEERING LIVING LIBRARY EVENT!! Friday, April 13, 2018  2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Lichtenberger Engineering Library  Friday the 13th could turn out to be your lucky day!! Why? Because that’s the day we’re having a Living Book event! As part of National Library Week and the University of Iowa College of Engineering Research Week, we areContinue reading “Check Out a Living Book!”

Camtasia & Video Creation! New Learn & Create Xpress Class!

We have joined with the Engineering Technology Centers to present a new series of classes!! The Learn & Create Xpress Classes will cover a variety of topics and are scheduled for Thursday afternoons at 2:00 p.m. in the Engineering Library Creative Space. The classes are half an hour long and are limited to 20 participants. Click onContinue reading “Camtasia & Video Creation! New Learn & Create Xpress Class!”

It’s Pi Day 2018!!

3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286…. March 14th is Pi Day!!!   Beginning geometry students might remember finding the area of a circle – pi x radius squared…. But, what is Pi (π) and why does it rate its very own day? Pi is one of the most famous and mysterious of numbers. Defined as the ratio of the circumferenceContinue reading “It’s Pi Day 2018!!”

Early Pi(π) Day Celebration on FRIDAY!!!

3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286…. We’ll be celebrating Pi Day THIS Friday, March 9th – before spring break!!! We’ll be celebrating in the Engineering Library and will serve apple pie bites from 1:00 to 3:14 p.m. (when else?!) or while supplies last! We will also have free coffee – did I mention the pie bites, coffee, and lemonade are free? ComeContinue reading “Early Pi(π) Day Celebration on FRIDAY!!!”