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Tonight Only! The Brinton Silent Film Project

Tonight Only!  The Brinton Silent Film Project Friends of the UI Libraries Annual EventWednesday, May 6, 2015 Join Mike Zahs and Red Cedar Chamber Music for an evening of motion pictures and music from the earliest days of film.  In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, The Brinton Entertainment Co. of Washington, Iowa, wouldContinue reading “Tonight Only! The Brinton Silent Film Project”

Colleen Theisen Receives Prestigious “Mover and Shaker” Award from Library Journal

Colleen Theisen of the University of Iowa Libraries has been named a “Mover and Shaker” in the library industry by the Library Journal. Theisen was recognized in the magazine’s March 15 issue for her efforts to transform libraries in the 21st century. She was selected because of her commitment to the profession and her efforts to transformContinue reading “Colleen Theisen Receives Prestigious “Mover and Shaker” Award from Library Journal”

UI Libraries Launches Explorer’s Legacy Website

The University of Iowa Libraries has launched an online site that presents the history of the 1958 Explorer I satellite mission and the role played by UI astrophysicist James Van Allen in its success. The site, Explorer’s Legacy, chronicles the mission that led to the first scientific discovery of the space age when Van Allen identified the radiationContinue reading “UI Libraries Launches Explorer’s Legacy Website”