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One Day for Iowa 2024: Support advanced student employees like Luke with the University Librarian’s Student Employee Fund

For One Day for Iowa 2024, we’re highlighting the new University Librarian’s Student Employee Fund, which will create more opportunities for advanced student employees to enhance skills, bolster career-development goals, or pursue special interests. These are students like Luke Ayers, whose job in Conservation and Collections Care at the University of Iowa Libraries has setContinue reading “One Day for Iowa 2024: Support advanced student employees like Luke with the University Librarian’s Student Employee Fund”

This photo contains Hawkeye history—now, Virginia Eichacker reflects on her aunt’s impact

This photo features the five undergraduate women who integrated Currier Residence Hall in 1946: Virginia Harper, Esther Walls, Nancy Henry, Gwen Davis, Leanne Howard, and Pat Smith. Their story lives on in the Iowa Women’s Archives and in Currier, where a mural commemorates their achievements at the university and beyond. We are especially fortunate toContinue reading “This photo contains Hawkeye history—now, Virginia Eichacker reflects on her aunt’s impact”

Staff Q + A: Suzanne Glémot

Bookbinder, video game enthusiast, disco connaisseur How did you find your way into preservation and collections care? I was somewhat aware of library preservation while I was a grad student working in the Conservation Lab, but was more interested in becoming a conservation technician—treating one book at a time—than I was in larger-scale collections careContinue reading “Staff Q + A: Suzanne Glémot”

Author Q + A: Carmen Maria Machado

Acclaimed author, Hawkeye, former student library employee Carmen Maria Machado has seen the stacks from every angle: as reader, shelver, and writer.  And during her time at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, she came to appreciate the UI Libraries as study spaces and research resources. The Her Body and Other Parties author chatted with us aboutContinue reading “Author Q + A: Carmen Maria Machado”