The Regents university libraries are proud to announce the awarding of grants to 5 faculty teams to support creation of free, openly-licensed course materials. This funding opportunity provides intensive training and support for faculty writing open textbooks or other materials to replace expensive, traditional textbooks. In addition to saving UNI, UI, and ISU students anContinue reading “Regents OER Grant Recipients Announced”
Category Archives: Scholarly Impact
ECS Plus: Free Open Access Publishing for UI authors
The University of Iowa Libraries has entered into a transformative agreement with the Electrochemical Society (ECS) that allows University of Iowa authors to publish open access for free in ECS journals. The number of open access articles that can be published for free is unlimited and takes effect immediately. Publishing open access allows articles toContinue reading “ECS Plus: Free Open Access Publishing for UI authors”
SciVal Workshop Series
Join Linda Galloway, Elsevier Customer Consultant, to learn about SciVal, Elsevier’s analytics solution. SciVal provides access to the comprehensive research performance of over 19,000 research institutions and their associated researchers from 230 nations worldwide. SciVal allows you to visualize your research performance, benchmark relative to peers, develop strategic partnerships, identify and analyze new, emerging researchContinue reading “SciVal Workshop Series”
Iowa Regents libraries offer new grants to support open educational resources
Libraries at the University of Iowa, Iowa State University, and the University of Northern Iowa announce a joint funding opportunity for the creation of Open Educational Resources (OER). This program is open to small teams of faculty, graduate students, and staff at any of the three Board of Regents State of Iowa public universities. TheContinue reading “Iowa Regents libraries offer new grants to support open educational resources”
Publish Open Access with the American Chemical Society
The University of Iowa Libraries has entered into an agreement with the American Chemical Society (ACS) to bundle the cost of journal subscriptions and Open Access (OA) publishing. Under this three-year contract, UI corresponding authors can publish their journal articles Open Access and free of cost to them in any ACS journal. These articles can then be immediatelyContinue reading “Publish Open Access with the American Chemical Society”
Celebrating Open Education Week
Open Education Week (March 1-5, 2021, #OEWeek) is a time when educators around the world come together to learn and share practices around Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Pedagogy. While there are a host of excellent webinars and events to tune into this week, let’s also celebrate our local faculty who are creating openly licensed resources, tailoring existing OER to better fit the needs of their students, and creating courses with fewer barriers to learning. Integrating OERContinue reading “Celebrating Open Education Week”
UI authors can now make Cambridge articles Open Access for free
On the heels of its recent arrangement with PLOS, the Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) has entered into a second contract to bundle the cost of journal subscriptions and Open Access (OA) publishing, this time with publisher, Cambridge University Press. Under this agreement, UI corresponding authors can publish their journal articles OA and free of cost to them, in any of Cambridge’s journals.* These articles can then be read by anyone, anywhere,Continue reading “UI authors can now make Cambridge articles Open Access for free”
Big Ten Academic Alliance Signs new PLOS Deal
If you’ve ever considered publishing Open Access (OA) in PLOS Biology or PLOS Medicine, it just got a lot more affordable. The Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA), of which University of Iowa is a member, just signed a three-year deal with the OA mega-journal publisher, PLOS, allowing corresponding authors at any Big 10 university to publish in these two journals without any cost to the author. This agreementContinue reading “Big Ten Academic Alliance Signs new PLOS Deal”
UI Libraries awards 12 OpenHawks grants
The University of Iowa Libraries has awarded 12 grants for Open Educational Resource (OER) projects for the 2020-2021 academic year. OpenHawks is a campuswide grant program that funds faculty efforts to replace current textbooks with OERs for enhanced student success. OpenHawks is funded by the annual Provost Investment Fund (PIF) from the UI Office of the Provost. ThisContinue reading “UI Libraries awards 12 OpenHawks grants”
Virtual Services from Scholarly Impact
Although the campus libraries are closed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the staff of the Scholarly Impact Department are working remotely to assist UI faculty, staff, and students. Extensive resources and information about our services is always available at our website: We offer virtual one-on-one consultations and group training sessions upon request. ContactContinue reading “Virtual Services from Scholarly Impact”