Although the campus libraries are closed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the staff of the Scholarly Impact Department are working remotely to assist UI faculty, staff, and students. Extensive resources and information about our services is always available at our website: We offer virtual one-on-one consultations and group training sessions upon request. ContactContinue reading “Virtual Services from Scholarly Impact”
Category Archives: Scholarly Impact
Considering OER? Get some funding with OpenHawks!
The Libraries are happy to announce our second round of OpenHawks funding, available to any faculty member or graduate student who is interested in using or developing Open Educational Resources (OER) for a UI course. If you are concerned about the cost or quality of your existing textbooks and would like to explore OER, thisContinue reading “Considering OER? Get some funding with OpenHawks!”
Data Management Course for Researchers
Got research data? Have you shared it? Other researchers, funders, publishers, and the public want to know: The public – A Pew research survey found that open access to data and independent review inspire more trust in research findings by the public. Research participants – Many clinical trial participants understand and support data sharing (withinContinue reading “Data Management Course for Researchers”
Eighteen faculty win UI Libraries OpenHawks grants
Students will benefit from Open Educational Resource (OER) projects The University of Iowa Libraries has awarded fifteen grants to eighteen faculty for Open Educational Resource (OER) projects for the 2019-2020 academic year. OpenHawks is a campus-wide grant program that funds faculty efforts to replace their current textbooks with OERs for enhanced student success. OpenHawks isContinue reading “Eighteen faculty win UI Libraries OpenHawks grants”
University of Iowa Libraries becomes institutional member of Open Access publisher Cogitatio
Today hefty paywalls prevent research published in most scholarly journals from being read online by audiences that many academics often most want to reach—policy makers and elected officials, industry leaders, non-profits, educators, the general public, and even faculty from smaller teaching colleges and community colleges. The University of Iowa Libraries has signed an institutional agreementContinue reading “University of Iowa Libraries becomes institutional member of Open Access publisher Cogitatio”
UI Libraries announces OpenHawks grant program for Open Educational Resources (OER)
The University of Iowa Libraries announces OpenHawks, a campus-wide grant program that funds faculty efforts to adopt or develop Open Educational Resources (OER) for enhanced student success. What are OER? OER (such as textbooks, videos, assessment tools, lab books, research methods, or interactive course modules) are free for students and carry legal permission for openContinue reading “UI Libraries announces OpenHawks grant program for Open Educational Resources (OER)”
Qualitative Data Repository (QDR) now available to UI researchers
The University of Iowa is now an institutional member of QDR (Qualitative Data Repository) . The QDR membership gives faculty and other researchers a platform to store and share their qualitative data and enhances campus efforts for providing Research Data Services. “QDR is a dedicated archive for storing and sharing digital data (and accompanying documentation)Continue reading “Qualitative Data Repository (QDR) now available to UI researchers”
2019: The Year of Public Domain
For the first time in 20 years, artistic works copyrighted in the U.S. will enter the public domain, opening up a trove of material published during 1923 to be freely digitized, read, and used as the basis for new works. But why is this happening now? After all, shouldn’t copyrights expire and works enter intoContinue reading “2019: The Year of Public Domain”
DOIs for Theses and Dissertations
All theses and dissertations in Iowa Research Online have now been assigned DOIs. DOIs, or Digital Object Identifiers, are unique and persistent IDs for electronically published documents. DOIs will be used by publications citing your thesis/dissertation, so that there will be better information about where your work has been cited. Using a DOI also allowsContinue reading “DOIs for Theses and Dissertations”
Scholarly Communications and OA
Written by Mahrya Burnett, Scholarly Communications Librarian In the libraries, we spend the whole month of October celebrating Open Access (OA), and with good reason. As scholarly publishing continues to evolve and spawn new models for disseminating knowledge, it’s more important than ever to make sure that anyone can access critical research andContinue reading “Scholarly Communications and OA”