The University of Iowa Libraries has awarded 14 OpenHawks grants for the development of open educational resources (OER). OpenHawks is a campuswide grant program that funds faculty efforts to replace or avoid high-cost textbooks with OERs for enhanced student success. The projects, which are set to be completed in summer 2024, will save UI studentsContinue reading “Announcing the 2024 OpenHawks OER grant recipients”
Category Archives: Scholarly Impact
UI Libraries Celebrate Mahrya Burnett, Benton Award Recipient
Mahrya Burnett has been named the 2022 recipient of the Arthur Benton University Librarian’s Award for Excellence for her impactful contributions to the future of Open Educational Resources (OERs). As a scholarly communications librarian at the University of Iowa Libraries, Burnett champions advancing OER efforts that allow students to use textbooks and other resources withoutContinue reading “UI Libraries Celebrate Mahrya Burnett, Benton Award Recipient”
Regents OER grant celebration
The Iowa Regents university libraries are proud to announce the upcoming publication of 5 new free, openly-licensed textbooks developed by faculty teams from across our institutions. These textbooks, including topics as diverse as public speaking, Spanish, musicianship, early literacy, and science education, were funded by the Regents Open Educational Resources (OER) Grant Program, a one-timeContinue reading “Regents OER grant celebration”
DMPTool Helps Researchers Write Data Management and Sharing Plans
Because funding agencies like the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) now require data management and sharing plans as part of grant applications, researchers tasked with writing these documents may feel at a loss about where to start. Luckily, University of Iowa researchers have support in this process. Not onlyContinue reading “DMPTool Helps Researchers Write Data Management and Sharing Plans”
The Power of Persistent Identifiers in Data Sharing
Every researcher has likely seen Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) attached to the articles they read, cite, and publish. As unique codes that distinguish a specific research article, dataset, or other digital object, DOIs make it much easier to find and cite the work of other scholars. What you may not know, however, is that DOIsContinue reading “The Power of Persistent Identifiers in Data Sharing”
Data Curation: Adding Value to Your Dataset
You may already know that the University of Iowa’s institutional repository, Iowa Research Online (IRO), provides both preservation and access to your dataset for the long term. You may not know, however, that Research Data Services in the Scholarly Impact Department at the UI Libraries also offers another key service to researchers depositing their dataContinue reading “Data Curation: Adding Value to Your Dataset”
Why Iowa Research Online is an Ideal Place for Your Data
University of Iowa researchers are increasingly taking advantage of the university’s institutional repository, Iowa Research Online (IRO), to house their research and creative works. IRO currently holds nearly 115,000 research outputs from Iowa faculty, staff, and students, and has seen more than 12 million downloads of content since 2009. On top of preserving articles, books,Continue reading “Why Iowa Research Online is an Ideal Place for Your Data”
Landmark open publishing agreement with Wiley extended for three years
The University of Iowa Libraries is pleased to announce the expansion of the landmark open publishing agreement between the Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) and Wiley. The new three-year agreement, which is effective Jan. 1, 2023, to Dec. 31, 2025, grants University of Iowa faculty, staff, and students access to publish and read in Wiley’sContinue reading “Landmark open publishing agreement with Wiley extended for three years”
Iowa Lichtenberger Engineering Library receives Patent and Trademark Resource Center designation
Iowa Lichtenberger Engineering Library receives Patent and Trademark Resource Center designationInitiative provides individual inventors access to additional resources from federal agency The University of Iowa Lichtenberger Engineering Library is now part of a select group of higher education institutions across the country—and only one in Iowa—to be designated a Patent and Trademark Resource Center (PTRC)Continue reading “Iowa Lichtenberger Engineering Library receives Patent and Trademark Resource Center designation”
Data Sharing: What are the Benefits?
Beginning in January 2023 the National Institutes of Health (NIH) will require data management and sharing plans for all awards that generate scientific data. Research Data Services at the University of Iowa Libraries has been supporting university researchers as they prepare for this change, with guidance on our website, informational workshops, and individual consultations. WithContinue reading “Data Sharing: What are the Benefits?”