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Update from the Iowa Women’s Archives, October 2012

On a sunny day 20 years ago, the Iowa Women’s Archives celebrated its opening with a symposium on Iowa women in political life featuring IWA founders Louise Noun and Mary Louise Smith. En route to the symposium, Smith stopped on the Pentacrest to speak at a rally in support of the Equal Rights Amendment, whichContinue reading “Update from the Iowa Women’s Archives, October 2012”

Pathways to Iowa: Migration Stories from the Iowa Women’s Archives

Join Iowa Women’s Archives Curator Kären Mason, Assistant Curator Janet Weaver, and faculty members Omar Valerio-Jiménez and Claire Fox for a brown-bag discussion of Latina history in Iowa at the opening of the newest exhibit at the UI Main Library. Wednesday, September 12, 2012, 12:00- 1:00 p.m.  University of Iowa Main Library, North Exhibition HallContinue reading “Pathways to Iowa: Migration Stories from the Iowa Women’s Archives”

Re-examining the Pelvic

On Tuesday, May 1st, the Iowa Women’s Archives will host a lecture by Wendy Kline, professor of history at the University of Cincinnati.  Kline’s talk, “Reexamining the Pelvic: Women’s Health from a Recent Historical Perspective,” concerns the late 20th century controversy regarding pelvic examination instruction in American medical schools. In the 1970s, medical educators expressed concern overContinue reading “Re-examining the Pelvic”

Sisters, There’s a Women’s Center in Iowa City!

Iowa City was a hotbed of women’s liberation in the 1970s, boasting women’s restaurants, coffeehouses, presses, bookstores, childcare centers, publications, and health clinics.  The Women’s Liberation Front in Iowa City left many lasting legacies, among them the Women’s Resource and Action Center, which is celebrating its 40th anniversary this academic year. In 1971 Iowa City womenContinue reading “Sisters, There’s a Women’s Center in Iowa City!”

Women’s Equality: Myth or Reality?

Women’s Equality: Myth or Reality? Speakers: Professor Linda K. Kerber May Brodbeck Professor in the Liberal Arts and Sciences, Department of History  and Lecturer in the College of Law, University of Iowa Professor Ann Laquer Estin Aliber Family Chair in Law, University of Iowa College of Law Alice Dahle Co-chair, Amnesty International USA’s Women’s Human RightsContinue reading “Women’s Equality: Myth or Reality?”

Women’s Suffrage digital collection unveiled

The Iowa Women’s Archives and University of Iowa Libraries marked Women’s Equality Day—August 26th—by unveiling a new digital collection documenting the decades-long campaign by Iowa women to gain the right to vote. The Women’s Suffrage in Iowa Digital Collection is the culmination of a yearlong project to select and scan photographs, letters, and other primaryContinue reading “Women’s Suffrage digital collection unveiled”

Women’s History Month events, March 21-25

The Iowa Women’s Archives will host events on feminist documentary filmmaking and on the Triangle Factory fire of 1911. Tuesday, March 22nd, 4:00 p.m., Iowa Women’s Archives, UI Main Library Award-winning filmmaker Marlene Booth will present a talk entitled “Tell Me a Story: Making and Learning From Documentary Films” on Tuesday, March 22nd. Born andContinue reading “Women’s History Month events, March 21-25”

March 2nd lecture: Black Sorority Activism

“WE STRIVE AND WE DO:  BLACK SORORITY ACTIVISM AND THE BLACK PUBLIC SPHERE” The Iowa Women’s Archives kicks off Women’s History Month 2011 with a lecture on Wednesday, March 2nd, by Deborah Elizabeth Whaley,  Assistant Professor of American Studies and African American Studies at the University of Iowa. Whaley is the author of Disciplining Women:Continue reading “March 2nd lecture: Black Sorority Activism”