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The Nutcracker in Cedar Rapids

Program and photographs of productions of The Nutcracker from the records of the Dieman-Bennett Dance Theatre of the Hemispheres. Dancers Edna Dieman and Julia Bennett opened their dance studio in 1951 at a rented room in the Cedar Rapids YWCA.  Ten years later they formed the Dance Theatre of the Hemispheres and built a repertoireContinue reading “The Nutcracker in Cedar Rapids”

Online exhibit on LGBTQ life in Iowa City earns honorable mention from

The Iowa Women’s Archives and University of Iowa Archives Collaborated on the exhibit entitled “LGBTQ Life in Iowa City, Iowa: 1967-2010,” which was entered in the “Since Stonewall Local Histories Contest” hosted by Kären Mason, curator of the Iowa Women’s Archives and David McCartney, University Archivist, curated the exhibit, which was posted along withContinue reading “Online exhibit on LGBTQ life in Iowa City earns honorable mention from”

June 17-19: Women’s & Gender History Conference in Dubuque

The fourth biennial conference of Women and Gender Historians of the Midwest (WGHOM) will be held on June 17, 18 and 19, 2010, at the Town Clock Center for Professional Development of Northeast Iowa Community College in Dubuque, Iowa.  This conference will bring together scholars, educators, students and the public to explore current issues inContinue reading “June 17-19: Women’s & Gender History Conference in Dubuque”

We think it’s a breast pump

We’ve put up a small exhibit in the Iowa Women’s Archives reading room in conjunction with our upcoming Women’s History Month event about the history of the Lamaze method of natural childbirth.  The exhibit includes several Lamaze books from the 1970s from the papers of Patricia Hillard, a leader in La Leche League International fromContinue reading “We think it’s a breast pump”

There’s this thing called Lamaze. . .

On Wednesday, March 10th, from 4:30-6:30 p.m. we’ll be talking Lamaze in the Iowa Women’s Archives. We’ve joined forces with the UI History of Medicine Society and the Council on the Status of Women’s Herstory Committee to bring you some entertainment and enlightenment.  Join us from 4:30 to 5:15 for cookies and conversation with old friends andContinue reading “There’s this thing called Lamaze. . .”

All About Eve

Our first women’s history month event features the work of Eve Drewelowe, who in 1924 became the first person to earn a master’s degree in fine arts from the University of Iowa.  The painting “Summertime with Sis and Soot” evokes Drewelowe’s Iowa childhood and on a day like today, with the sun shining and snow melting, I canContinue reading “All About Eve”

Welcome to our blog!

Women’s History Month is upon us and there’s a lot happening in the Iowa Women’s Archives.  We thought it would be nice to let people know about events, collections, exhibits, and other newsworthy items, so we’ve started a blog.  For our first post, we wanted to share a local TV news story highlighting valentines inContinue reading “Welcome to our blog!”

Winners All: The Experiences of Women in Iowa Sports

April 13, 2009 Iowa Women’s Archives curator Kären Mason will moderate a panel discussion concerning the role of sports in girls’ and women’s lives and the impact of changing opportunities for participation in organized sport. Panelists will include former director of UI Women’s Athletics Christine Grant, UI volleyball coach Sharon Dingman, sports reporter Susan Harman,Continue reading “Winners All: The Experiences of Women in Iowa Sports”