Do you have an interest in bookbinding? Have you always wanted to be a boy or girl scout but never took the opportunity to join? Or maybe you miss those scouting days? Well, now is your chance to earn your Bookbinding badge and join the Book Scouts. Curated by Olson Graduate Assistant Laura Michelson, graduateContinue reading “Earn your own bookbinding badge with this new exhibit”
Tag Archives: exhibit
Edward Gorey’s Reawakening of Dracula
By Hannah Hacker Dracula has been a name that has instilled fear and fascination in the imaginations of readers and viewers since its original publication by Bram Stoker in 1897. There have been many adaptations and remakes of the novel since then, including F.W. Murnau’s silent film Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Graunens, the 1931 UniversalContinue reading “Edward Gorey’s Reawakening of Dracula”
Main Library Exhibition Gallery is Now OPEN : First Exhibition “Explorer’s Legacy”
Explorer’s Legacy: James Van Allen and the Discovery of the Radiation Belts February 1 – April 8 After months of being closed for renovations the new state of the art gallery in the University of Iowa Main Library is now open. Stop by and take a look at the exhibition, including the story of the discoveryContinue reading “Main Library Exhibition Gallery is Now OPEN : First Exhibition “Explorer’s Legacy””
Special Collections Week in Review, 8/28 – 9/4, 2015
Recently on the Web and Social Media: The Hevelin Fanzine Digitization Project was featured on The Verge. The University of Iowa Libraries is digitizing science fiction fanzines from the 1930s-1950s. August Old Gold column from University Archivist David McCartney, Harrison Hall, the Residence Hall That Never Was. The planned 1,100-student high-rise,Continue reading “Special Collections Week in Review, 8/28 – 9/4, 2015”
Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol on Display in Special Collections
Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol was an instant publishing success, and it remains a beloved piece of literature today, celebrated during the Christmas season around the world. The first edition, printed in 1843, includes four hand-colored steel engravings by John Leech. Our copy of this work comes from the collection of James Wallace, a collectorContinue reading “Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol on Display in Special Collections”
“Iowa Now” Feature on 1812 Exhibition
The War of 1812 in Iowa, then and now Old Capitol exhibit opens Oct. 11 with free reception, lecture By: Rebecca Pope | 2012.10.04 | 10:47 AM The University of Iowa Old Capitol Museum will mark the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812 with a special exhibition of historical documents, maps and artifactsContinue reading ““Iowa Now” Feature on 1812 Exhibition”
Monumental Ideas in Miniature Books II
“Monumental Ideas in Miniature Book Making” is a traveling exhibition of more than 100 artists’ miniature books from eight countries curated by Hui-Chu Ying, Professor of The Myers School of Art, at the University of Akron. These small treasures by nationally and internationally recognized book artists explore epic tales, poetry, and storytelling using diverse book and printmakingContinue reading “Monumental Ideas in Miniature Books II”