Explorer’s Legacy: James Van Allen and the Discovery of the Radiation Belts February 1 – April 8 After months of being closed for renovations the new state of the art gallery in the University of Iowa Main Library is now open. Stop by and take a look at the exhibition, including the story of the discoveryContinue reading “Main Library Exhibition Gallery is Now OPEN : First Exhibition “Explorer’s Legacy””
Tag Archives: explorer
New Acquisition to the University Archives – George Ludwig Papers
We depend on weather satellite images daily for our forecasts and travel plans. Without the groundwork laid by the National Earth Satellite Service beginning in 1972, though, these images would not be possible today. A distinguished UI alumnus, George H. Ludwig (BA ’56, MS -59, Ph.D. ’60) was a founding director of NESS and ledContinue reading “New Acquisition to the University Archives – George Ludwig Papers”