By Hannah Hacker Dracula has been a name that has instilled fear and fascination in the imaginations of readers and viewers since its original publication by Bram Stoker in 1897. There have been many adaptations and remakes of the novel since then, including F.W. Murnau’s silent film Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Graunens, the 1931 UniversalContinue reading “Edward Gorey’s Reawakening of Dracula”
Author Archives: Hannah Hacker
UI Special Collections claims the Iron Throne at World Con
By Hannah Hacker Last month on August 17-21, two of our very own, Peter Balestrieri and Laura Hampton, went to represent the University of Iowa Libraries at the 74th World Science Fiction Convention, Mid AmeriCon II, in Kansas City, Missouri. Some may wonder what a couple of Special Collections librarians were doing at aContinue reading “UI Special Collections claims the Iron Throne at World Con”
Shakespeare Invades Iowa City Once Again – 100 Years Later
By Hannah Hacker On August 29 through September 25, the University of Iowa Libraries’ Main Gallery will be featuring the Folger Shakespeare Library’s traveling exhibit First Folio! The Book That Gave Us Shakespeare. This exhibition will mark the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death. This exhibition will also be marking another anniversary more pertinent to theContinue reading “Shakespeare Invades Iowa City Once Again – 100 Years Later”