Lichtenberger Engineering Library Fall 2018 Newsletter
- New Learn & Create Workshops
- Creative Space & Tool Library
- YouTube Video Channel
- Live Chat and Text Messaging Available!
- New Website
- New Resources
- Subject Guides
- Classroom Assistance and Library Tours
- Course Reserves
1) Learn & Create Workshops
The Lichtenberger Engineering Library has partnered with the Engineering Electronics Shop, NEXUS, and the Department of Music to bring you some exciting Learn & Create Workshops this fall.
Library Resources
August 29: Standards & Patents – Kari Kozak
September 5th: Collect & Analyze Data Using LabQuest Devices – John Kostman/Kari Kozak
September 12th: Systematic Review – Marina Zhang
Mini Piano using Capacitive Touch
Through the following 5 workshop series, learn all the steps to make your own mini piano using a circuit board and Arduino. This light weight keyboard allows you to play an octave worth of notes using capacitive touch, no strings or hammers required! You do not need to attend all the sessions. Just pick and choose which parts you want to learn.
September 19th & 26th: Printing Circuit Boards 1 & 2 – John Kostman
October 3rd: Soldering Basics – Jeremy Roszell
October 10th: Building a Case with CREO and 3D printing – Brian Snider
October 17th: Programming and Music Theory – Jean-Francois Charles & Jeremy Roszell
Halloween Costumes
October 24th & 31st: Building Halloween Costumes Part 1 & 2 – Brian Snider/John Kostman
Greeting Cards
November 7th & 28th: Creating Pop-up and Interactive Greeting Cards Part 1 & 2– Deanne Wortman/Kari Kozak
More information will be out in the next week along with registration. Please check out the website to learn more:
2) Creative Space & Tool Library
In September 2016, the Lichtenberger Engineering Library, in collaboration with the Engineering Technology Centers opened a maker/creative space for students. This space is for students to imagine, tinker, design, and create and has a VR station, 3D scanners, quad monitors, and more. We also have a Tool Library which is available to students and staff. There are over 180 tools, which may be checked out.
We have continued to add tools to the Tool Library over this past year. Some of the tools added include:
- Laptops
- Thermal Cameras
- Heat Gun
- Sheet Metal Hole Punch
- Projectors
- Adapter, Cables and Chargers for computers and mobile devices – we are expanding the number and types which are added
Set up a tour of the space and to learn more about the tools available at:
3) YouTube video channel
We have a YouTube video channel and have added some exciting new videos.
- Check out our latest video series that teaches how to evaluate information using a method similar to the choose your own adventure books: Detective Jones Evaluating Information
- We have tutorials for specific library resources and how to get the most benefit when using them!
- There are videos designed to help new (and returning) faculty, staff, and students become familiar with the library and what is available.
4) Live Chat and Text Messaging!
Don’t forget we have both live chat AND text messaging available!
Live chat is available on the Lichtenberger Engineering Library homepage and within each Subject Guide!
You may also ask your questions by texting us at 319.250.2176!
5) New Website
Our new website went live on Wednesday, August 15th! All your information is still there. It was just a slight refresh. Lichtenberger Engineering Library homepage
If you can’t find anything or have any comments or concerns, please let Kari know.
6) New Resources Needs to be updated – which to put in?
- 37 eBooks from across the spectrum of computer science subject matter
Morgan & Claypool Synthesis Collection:
- We own the complete collection of over 800 of these 75 to 125-page electronic books that synthesizes a research or developing hot topic.
- Areas covered include: Tissue Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, and Global Engineering just to name a few.
- The MIT Press eBooks library – a computing and engineering collection is now available through IEEE Xplore
- With almost 600 titles going back as far as 1943!
7) Subject Guides
Check out our subject guides – available for each discipline. The subject guides are being continually updated with new information and resources. You’ll find information on popular resources geared toward your discipline. The guides also include helpful information on patents, standards, creating citations, and engineering ethics among other things. Check our homepage ( to discover it all!
8) Classroom Assistance and Library Tours
Both Engineering Librarians are available for short- or class-length demonstrations on a wide variety of library resources.
Kari Kozak, Head of the Lichtenberger Engineering Library, is available to talk about resources and services to students, faculty, and/or staff. This could range from an overview of the library and services to in-depth researching strategies including evaluating information. Sessions can be to individuals, small groups, lab groups, or classes. Email Kari at for more information.
Qianjin (Marina) Zhang, Engineering & Informatics Librarian, is available to talk about data management, systematic reviews, and citation management programs such as Endnote. Email Marina at for more information
Kari is also available to give tours of the library, including the Creative Space. Schedule a time to visit individually or as a class, to see first-hand all we have available.
9) Course Reserves
Course Reserves are being organized for the Fall Semester. If you have not already done so and would like to have items put on reserve for the Fall Semester, please email the Engineering Library at with a list of the materials and course number.