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Welcome Back, Engineers!

We’re diving back into classes, so make some plans to dive into library events too! Here’s a sneak peek of what we’re up to this semester:

Each month

Research Scholars Workshops: Join us for monthly webinars on advanced research topics. Keep an eye on our website and social media so you don’t miss your chance to sign up. 


Blind Date with a Book:  Take a break and cozy up with a surprise book from the Engineering library. Offerings will include a wide variety of books, from fun fiction to short novels. Come in and check one out for a fun surprise!


Pi Day: Pi is an important number, so we like to celebrate it here in the Engineering Library! The official Pi day is March 14 (3.14), which is during Spring Break, so we’ll be celebrating on a different day. Keep an eye on our social media channels to make sure you don’t miss it! 


Research Week: The week of the Research Fair, we will have several events here in the library. These will include workshops, and a chance to meet or become a living book! 

These are only a few of the events we’ll be doing this semester. As always, keep an eye on our social media for the most up-to-date information. You can find us at @uienglib on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!