Today is April 8th, 2020, the day we were supposed to gather for the last Iowa Bibliophiles of the academic year. The plan: come together, eat some tasty snacks, and explore some of the highlights from our collection with the help of our wonderful student workers. Our students had selected manuscripts, books, and more, researchedContinue reading “A Virtual Bibliophiles”
Tag Archives: star trek
Special Collections News & Updates 6/17/2016
Newsfeed: Library Field Responds to Orlando Statement on the Orlando Shooting from SAA President Dennis Meissner University of Iowa moving forward with $60M art museum Engineering the Bike – New Exhibit in the Engineering Library Conservation Lab Box Making Day Special Collections Instruction Year in Review 2015-2016 Shakespeare Events This Weekend: Pericles in City ParkContinue reading “Special Collections News & Updates 6/17/2016”
Special Collections Weekly Update 5/13/2016
Important Announcements: The Iowa Women’s Archives will be closed May 16-27th for painting. Newsfeed: Iowa City Press-Citizen, UI Libraries celebrates Star Trek’s 50th anniversary by Zach Berg USA Today, UI Libraries celebrates Star Trek’s 50th anniversary by Zach Berg The University of Iowa School of Library and Information Science and the Center for the Book madeContinue reading “Special Collections Weekly Update 5/13/2016”
Special Collections Weekly Update 5/6/2016
Important Announcements: The Iowa Women’s Archives will be closed May 16-27th for painting. Newsfeed: Talk of Iowa: Brinton Films Make Second Debut in 100 Years at World’s Longest Running Movie Theater featuring Greg Prickman, Head of Special Collections in an interview with Charity Nebbe. Kalona Times: More than a century later, silent film collection again shown inContinue reading “Special Collections Weekly Update 5/6/2016”
Special Collections Weekly Update 3/4/2016
Newsfeed: OCLC posted about the UI Libraries’ social media on their blog: The University of Iowa Libraries celebrate and promote their digital collections on social media The Space Age and the Digital Age: Linking Museum Exhibits and the College Classroom. History Department graduate student Yvonne Seale blogged about the UI Libraries’ James Van Allen exhibition DH Salon Recap:Continue reading “Special Collections Weekly Update 3/4/2016”