Kelly Grogg has been an Olson Graduate Assistant in Special Collections for the past two years. In May she completed her Masters in Library and Information Science. Kelly completed her time with us here in Special Collections last week. Our patrons, students, and staff benefited greatly from Kelly’s cheerful dedication. Kelly embodies the philosophy ofContinue reading “Saying Goodbye to Olson Graduate Assistant Kelly Grogg”
Tag Archives: Kelly Grogg
Special Collections Weekly Update 1/15/2016
Instruction: Spring Semester Sign Up Update from Instruction Librarian Amy Chen Special Collections librarians can support any aspect of class planning for teaching with rare books and primary source materials. We had a record-breaking 2015, so sign up early or else our rooms and librarians may already be booked for popular times. Find our class request form here. NewContinue reading “Special Collections Weekly Update 1/15/2016”
News and Updates from Special Collections 11/20/2015
Awards and Recognition Congratulations to John Fifield, Caxton Club Grant Recipient On Wednesday, November 18, University of Iowa Center for the Book students Ian Huebert, Amy Richard, and Special Collections’ Olson Graduate Assistant John Fifield all accepted grants from the Caxton Club at the Union League in Chicago. John’s grant will fund his return to theContinue reading “News and Updates from Special Collections 11/20/2015”
News From Special Collections 10/5/2015 – 10/09/2015
From the Web and Social Media Looking for a fun way to celebrate the University of Iowa’s Homecoming week? Check out our Historical Hawkeyes series, compiled by our Olson Graduate Research Assistant, Kelly Grogg. Staff Changes We are all very pleased to announce that Lindsay Moen has been hired as our LAIV in Special Collections, taking over DepartmentContinue reading “News From Special Collections 10/5/2015 – 10/09/2015”
News from Special Collections 8/28/2015
Staff Changes: 1. Saying Farewell to Olson Graduate Assistant Jillian Sparks Jillian Sparks will complete her two years as Olson Graduate Assistant here in Special Collections this week. The Olson GA’s participate in the department as junior staff for twenty hours a week; working at the reference desk and answering email reference questions, teaching classes,Continue reading “News from Special Collections 8/28/2015”
A Farewell Blog from Emily, our High School Intern
This week I’m finishing up my summer internship at Special Collections. I’ve had so much fun here this past month and no two days have been exactly the same. I’ve done all sorts of things, from helping with reference questions and pulling materials, to listening to Oral History interviews and exploring the collections. One ofContinue reading “A Farewell Blog from Emily, our High School Intern”