Kelly Grogg has been an Olson Graduate Assistant in Special Collections for the past two years. In May she completed her Masters in Library and Information Science. Kelly completed her time with us here in Special Collections last week. Our patrons, students, and staff benefited greatly from Kelly’s cheerful dedication. Kelly embodies the philosophy of service at the heart of librarianship. She will be missed.
Here is a list of some of the incredible work and projects Kelly did while in Special Collections:
Mentored and supervised a high school intern.
Mentored and supervised a student from the UI Reach program.
Curated an exhibition
Processed archival collections
Created lesson plans
Worked at the reference desk
Answered reference questions
Created pop-up events in the Learning Commons
Taught class sessions
Contribute to social media and video outreach projects
Kelly recently obtained a position as the Librarian for the United States Peace Corps. In this position Kelly will get to work with a small physical library of training materials, as well as maintaining up updating the digital library the Peace Corps created for volunteers. However, most of her time will be spent training international counterparts on the usage of the digital library and locating materials useful for volunteers as they set out to complete development projects. As an added bonus, she’ll also be able to answer historical reference questions about the Peace Corps through their historical document collection, putting to use the skills she gained as the Olson Graduate Assistant in Special Collections.
Please join us in wishing her the best in her new career as a librarian!
Kelly has left us with a video of her favorite things:
Celebrate Kelly’s success by looking back on her hilarious YouTube series, “Historical Crushes.”
Congrats Kelly!