If Books Could Talk is a collaboration between Heather Wacha from History Corps, a digital public history project from the History Department at the University of Iowa, Colleen Theisen, Outreach & Engagement Librarian from Special Collections, and Katie Buehner, Head of the Rita Benton Music Library from the University of Iowa Libraries. Heather Wacha researchedContinue reading “YouTube Series If Books Could Talk Finishes Final Episode”
Tag Archives: if books could talk
Special Collections Weekly Update 3/11/2016
Newsfeed: Meet Dorothy Wirtz, by Annie Tunnicliff, Dorothy Wirtz Graduate Research Assistant in the Iowa Women’s Archives http://blog.lib.uiowa.edu/iwa/2016/03/03/meet-dorothy-wirtz/ Public History Partners Follow the Trail of a Dismantled and Lost Medieval Manuscript, by Colleen Theisen https://blog.lib.uiowa.edu/speccoll/2016/03/09/public-history-partners-follow-the-trail-of-a-broken-and-lost-medieval-manuscript/. Upcoming Events: Thursday, 3/24: Jeannette Gabriel, We Did So Much Beyond the Home: Jewish Women and Community Life in Iowa (4 p.m., Iowa Women’sContinue reading “Special Collections Weekly Update 3/11/2016”
Public History Partners Follow the Trail of a Dismantled and Lost Medieval Manuscript
Where are your other leaves? Re-discovering the Wilton Processional Even a single page from a medieval book can hold many secrets. Sometimes there are enough clues to uncover a surprising history. In March 2015, Heather Wacha, a PhD student in the History Department, and a member of History Corps, was assisting Special Collections in identifying aContinue reading “Public History Partners Follow the Trail of a Dismantled and Lost Medieval Manuscript”
News and Updates from Special Collections 11/20/2015
Awards and Recognition Congratulations to John Fifield, Caxton Club Grant Recipient On Wednesday, November 18, University of Iowa Center for the Book students Ian Huebert, Amy Richard, and Special Collections’ Olson Graduate Assistant John Fifield all accepted grants from the Caxton Club at the Union League in Chicago. John’s grant will fund his return to theContinue reading “News and Updates from Special Collections 11/20/2015”