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Category Archives: Faculty News
Mahanna wins Library Research Award
Allexis Mahanna, a UI senior majoring in global health studies, won the inaugural Undergraduate Library Research Award (ULRA) offered by the University of Iowa Libraries. Mahanna was selected from a competitive pool of undergraduate researchers who applied for the award and presented their work at the University of Iowa’s Fall Undergraduate Research Festival held NovemberContinue reading “Mahanna wins Library Research Award”
Culshaw elected ARL vice president/president-elect
John Culshaw, the Jack B. King University Librarian at the University of Iowa, has been elected to serve as incoming vice president/president-elect for the Association of Research Libraries (ARL). Culshaw will become ARL president on October 7, 2020. The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) is a nonprofit organization of 124 research libraries in Canada andContinue reading “Culshaw elected ARL vice president/president-elect”
FAQ — Ithaka S+R University of Iowa Faculty Survey on Library Planning
The Ithaka S+R University of Iowa Faculty Survey on Library services and space will help the Libraries evaluate faculty use of our facilities, resources and services. All UI faculty are invited to participate in an important study designed to inform the University of Iowa Libraries’ strategic decision-making as it moves forward with plans to engageContinue reading “FAQ — Ithaka S+R University of Iowa Faculty Survey on Library Planning”
Eighteen faculty win UI Libraries OpenHawks grants
Students will benefit from Open Educational Resource (OER) projects The University of Iowa Libraries has awarded fifteen grants to eighteen faculty for Open Educational Resource (OER) projects for the 2019-2020 academic year. OpenHawks is a campus-wide grant program that funds faculty efforts to replace their current textbooks with OERs for enhanced student success. OpenHawks isContinue reading “Eighteen faculty win UI Libraries OpenHawks grants”
Sackner Archive of Concrete and Visual Poetry moves to the University of Iowa Libraries
The University of Iowa Libraries Special Collections is the new home of the renowned Sackner Archive of Concrete and Visual Poetry. Founded by Ruth and Marvin Sackner in 1979 in Miami Beach, Florida, the Sackner Archive currently holds the largest collection of concrete and visual poetry in the world. The archive includes over 75,000 itemsContinue reading “Sackner Archive of Concrete and Visual Poetry moves to the University of Iowa Libraries”
University of Iowa Libraries becomes institutional member of Open Access publisher Cogitatio
Today hefty paywalls prevent research published in most scholarly journals from being read online by audiences that many academics often most want to reach—policy makers and elected officials, industry leaders, non-profits, educators, the general public, and even faculty from smaller teaching colleges and community colleges. The University of Iowa Libraries has signed an institutional agreementContinue reading “University of Iowa Libraries becomes institutional member of Open Access publisher Cogitatio”
UI Libraries announces OpenHawks grant program for Open Educational Resources (OER)
The University of Iowa Libraries announces OpenHawks, a campus-wide grant program that funds faculty efforts to adopt or develop Open Educational Resources (OER) for enhanced student success. What are OER? OER (such as textbooks, videos, assessment tools, lab books, research methods, or interactive course modules) are free for students and carry legal permission for openContinue reading “UI Libraries announces OpenHawks grant program for Open Educational Resources (OER)”
Your librarians at work
Want to know what your librarians did for you in 2018? View a quick SNAPSHOT here! Or scroll below to view:
UI Libraries and student government collaborate to reduce textbook costs
How will I afford my textbooks this semester? Can I pass this course even though I don’t have the book? Is it illegal to download this PDF of the book that I found online? These are the kinds of questions students ask at the beginning of the semester. The solutions they find are creative. SometimesContinue reading “UI Libraries and student government collaborate to reduce textbook costs”