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New books added to ClinicalKey April & May 2018 | Cardiology, Neurology, GI, Surgery and more

New books added to Hardin Library’s ClinicalKey subscription in April-May, 2018.  To access any of these titles, open ClinicalKey (  and click on Books. Atlas of Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia (Gray, Andrew) 3rd ed Caffey’s Pediatric Diagnostic Imaging (Coley, Brian D) 13th ed Essential Echocardiography: Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease (Solomon, Scott)  **new** Structural Heart Cases: AContinue reading “New books added to ClinicalKey April & May 2018 | Cardiology, Neurology, GI, Surgery and more”

Graduating in August? Services impacted by graduation

Congratulations on your graduation!  Library and Information Technology Services change after you graduate. Library materials – Please return any items you have checked out.  If you will be employed by The University or continuing to attend classes, you may re-check out the materials.  If you are no-longer affiliated with The University, but would like toContinue reading “Graduating in August? Services impacted by graduation”

AccessPharmacy | New Content March 2018 | Top 300 drugs

These materials are now available on AccessPharmacy, provided by Hardin Library for the Health Sciences. Malone, Drug Information: A Guide for Pharmacists, 6e edition DiPiro, Pharmacotherapy: a pathophysiologic approach, 10e edition Schwinghammer, Pharmacotherapy casebook: a patient-focused approach, 10e edition Top 300 Prescription Drug Challenge (can break down into P2, P3, P4 years) Top 300 PharmacyContinue reading “AccessPharmacy | New Content March 2018 | Top 300 drugs”

New e-books available in ClinicalKey for February, 2018 | New Seidel, Weinberger, Ellenbogen, Cote, Dabbs, Webster

New books added to Hardin Library’s ClinicalKey subscription in February, 2018.  To access any of these titles, open ClinicalKey (  and click on Books. Atlas of Orthoses and Assistive Devices (Webster, Joseph) 5th ed Complications in Neuroanesthesia (Prabhakar, Hemanshu) *new title* Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry (Dabbs, David) 5th ed Head and Neck Pathology (Thompson, Lester) 3rd edContinue reading “New e-books available in ClinicalKey for February, 2018 | New Seidel, Weinberger, Ellenbogen, Cote, Dabbs, Webster”

New e-books available in ClinicalKey for January, December | Nephrology, Dermatology, Burns, Endocrinology & More

New books added to Hardin Library’s ClinicalKey subscription in December, 2017 and January, 2018.  To access any of these titles, open ClinicalKey (  and click on Books. Ferri’s Fast Facts in Dermatology (Ferri, Fred) 2nd ed Hematopathology: A Volume in Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology Series (Hsi, Eric) 3rd ed Pain Management Secrets (Argoff, Charles) 4thContinue reading “New e-books available in ClinicalKey for January, December | Nephrology, Dermatology, Burns, Endocrinology & More”

How can I check out books? | Library cards

If you are affiliated with The University of Iowa, your student or staff card IS also your library card. Show any of the following at the Hardin Library in order to check out materials: Iowa One Card UI Healthcare Badge Dental School photo ID Drivers license, State-Issued photo ID, Passport If you are not affiliatedContinue reading “How can I check out books? | Library cards”