The UI Libraries, partnering with Information Technology Services, the Office of the Provost, the Division of Sponsored Programs, and the Big Ten Academic Alliance are leading an initiative to help all research active University of Iowa staff and faculty obtain an ORCID iD and/or link their existing identifier to their University of Iowa email address.Continue reading “Sign Up for an ORCID iD–Your Research Identifier”
Author Archives: Sarah Andrews
ClinicalKey available for iOS and Android mobile devices
ClinicalKey provides access to more than 1100 medical texts published by Elsevier, articles from more than 500 journals, practice guidelines, drug information, and patient education handouts. Users must log in to (free for UI affiliates) personal accounts to download PDFs. 1. Open the App Store on your mobile device. 2. Search for “ClinicalKey” and install at noContinue reading “ClinicalKey available for iOS and Android mobile devices”
EndNote X7 for MAC now works with Microsoft Word 2016
Good news! EndNote X7 for the Mac now works with Microsoft Word 2016. When you open the desktop version of EndNote, it should tell you that that there is an update available, but you can also select Check for Updates in the EndNote X7 dropdown menu. EndNote Basic (the online only version) will also promptContinue reading “EndNote X7 for MAC now works with Microsoft Word 2016”
2 Minute Medicine now available
2 Minute Medicine is now available from Hardin Library for the Health Sciences. Go to AccessMedicine, and look under Readings. 2 Minute Medicine® provides concise, curated, and authoritative medical reports of breaking medical literature as well as seminal studies in medicine. Practicing healthcare professionals write these reports. Topics include chronic disease, emergency, imaging and intervention,Continue reading “2 Minute Medicine now available”
New journals in Emergency Medicine, Urology, Psychiatry available in ClinicalKey
13 journals were added to ClinicalKey in January. These titles are new to The University of Iowa: Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging new, 2016- Diagnostics in Neuropsychiatry 2015 – European Urology Focus 2015- Visual Journal of Emergency Medicine 2015-
January 1, 2013 changes to NCBI Web Pages Browser Support
The National Institute of Biotechnology Information (NCBI) will no longer support Internet Explorer version 7 and Firebox version 3 browsers as of January 1, 2013. NCBI will also no longer be able to guarantee the browser’s functionality, as they are no longer going to do any further testing of the web applications. This means thatContinue reading “January 1, 2013 changes to NCBI Web Pages Browser Support”
Web of Knowledge enhancements
Do you use Web of Knowledge or Web of Science? Some new enhancements were added to the abstract and citation database this week, including improvements to the Author Search (previously known as Author Finder), editing results sets, ReseacherID, Citation Alerts and the new Data Citation Index. The Data Citation Index allows cross-disciplinary searching and easierContinue reading “Web of Knowledge enhancements”
2011 Impact Factors now available
The 2011 journal citation reports (impact factors) are now available in Web of Knowledge. . The 2011 JCR includes: More than 10,500 of the world’s most highly cited, peer reviewed journals in 232 disciplines Nearly 2,500 publishers and 82 countries represented Over 1,400 regional journals 526 journals receiving their first Journal Impact Factor Access journalContinue reading “2011 Impact Factors now available”
VisualDx beta available for Droids
VisualDx visual diagnostic decision support system links health care professionals to superior-quality medical images and information. The University of Iowa Libraries subscribes to VisualDX, and it can be accessed on campus, with an iPhone/iPad/iTouch or now with a Droid phone. The download and instructions for installing the Droid version are available online ( If you needContinue reading “VisualDx beta available for Droids”