The Engineering Library has renewed its subscription to the Monthly Weather Review. The Online release is published by the American Meteorological Society (AMS). The Journal Researches results relevant to the analysis and prediction of observed atmospheric circulations and physics, including technique development, data assimilation, model validation, and relevant case studies. This includes papers on numerical and data assimilation techniques that apply to the atmosphere and/or ocean environments as well as socioeconomic analyses of the impacts of weather and weather forecasts. MWR focuses on phenomena having seasonal and subseasonal time scales. Reviews of climatological aspects of high-impact events such as hurricanes, as well as review articles, are occasionally published.
Pi Day Photos
Pi Day Featured:
- 366 apple pie bites eaten in 1 hour and 24 minutes!
- 7 games of Pi Day Trivia featuring questions on Pi and Pie!
View more pictures in our facebook album. Photos by: Carol Grow Johnk
Thank you to the College of Engineering Outreach Agents for creating the trivia questions and to Grace Baron, Amanda Senn, and Shaan Amin for running the game!
Also, a big thank you to Amanda Schreiner, Ann Khan, and Ilsa May for help with keep up with the food and beverages.
Come Celebrate Pi Day with Free Pie!
Celebrate Pi Day!
on Thursday, March 14th
at 1:59 – 4:00 pm
In front of the Lichtenberger Engineering Library in the Student Commons.
There will be FREE apple pie bites, lemonade, and coffee as well as a trivia competitions every 15 minutes.
Pi, Greek letter, is the symbol for the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Pi Day is celebrated by math enthusiasts around the world on March 14th. Pi = 3.1415926535…. Pi is used in many different fields and can be seen in our everyday lives. It may be seen in art, structural design, body mobility, navigation, and probability. To celebrate the versatility of this number, the Lichtenberger Engineering Library and the College of Engineering have joined together to bring you free pie bites. Join us for this fun event!
3/14 is also Albert Einstein’s birthday!
Iowa Meteorite Crater Confirmed
USGS Airborne Surveys Back Up Previous Decorah Research Released: 3/5/2013 9:01:00 AM
Recent airborne geophysical surveys near Decorah, Iowa are providing an unprecedented look at a 470- million-year-old meteorite crater concealed beneath bedrock and sediments. The aerial surveys, a collaboration of the U.S. Geological Survey with the Iowa and Minnesota Geological Surveys, were conducted in the last 60 days to map geologic structures and assess the mineral and water resources of the region. “Capturing images of an ancient meteorite impact was a huge bonus,” said Dr. Paul Bedrosian, a USGS geophysicist in Denver who is leading the effort to model the recently acquired geophysical data. “These findings highlight the range of applications that these geophysical methods can address.” In 2008-09, geologists from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources’ (Iowa DNR) Iowa Geological and Water Survey hypothesized what has become known as the Decorah Impact Structure. The scientists examined water well drill-cuttings and recognized a unique shale unit preserved only beneath and near the city of Decorah. The extent of the shale, which was deposited after the impact by an ancient seaway, defines a “nice circular basin” of 5.5 km width, according to Robert McKay, a geologist at the Iowa Geological Survey. Bevan French, a scientist the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History, subsequently identified shocked quartz – considered strong evidence of an extra-terrestrial impact – in samples of sub-shale breccia from within the crater. “The recognition of this buried geological structure was possible because of the collaboration of a local geologist, water well drillers, the USGS STATEMAP program, and the support of the Iowa DNR concerning research on fundamental aspects of Iowa geology,” said McKay. The recent geophysical surveys include an airborne electromagnetic system, which is sensitive to how well rocks conduct electricity, and airborne gravity gradiometry, which measures subtle changes in rock density. The surveys both confirm the earlier work and provide a new view of the Decorah Impact Structure. Models of the electromagnetic data show a crater filled with electrically conductive shale and the underlying breccia, which is rock composed of broken fragments of rock cemented together by a fine-grained matrix. “The shale is an ideal target and provides the electrical contrast that allows us to clearly image the geometry and internal structure of the crater,” Bedrosian said. More analysis of the data will provide additional detail. These data show the impact as a nearly circular region distinct from the surrounding area to a depth of several hundred meters. “These data, when coupled with physical property measurements on drill core samples, will form the basis for modeling efforts to constrain the impact geometry and energy of the meteorite,” said Dr. Andy Kass, a USGS geophysicist working on the effort. The Iowa and Minnesota airborne geophysical surveys are targeting an igneous intrusion, known as the Northeast Iowa Igneous Intrusive complex, that may be similar to the Duluth layered igneous complex exposed in the Lake Superior region of northern Minnesota. Known copper, nickel, and platinum group metal resources were deposited during the formation of the Duluth complex. Both of these complexes are associated with a large structural feature known as the Midcontinent Rift, which is exposed in the Lake Superior Region but is covered by younger rocks as it extends to the south through Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, and Missouri. This geophysical survey is part of a larger USGS effort to evaluate the concealed mineral resource potential of the greater Midcontinent Rift region that formed about 1.1 billion years ago. |
Scopus mobile app: Scopus Alert for iPhone
Scopus mobile app: Scopus Alert for iPhone
The Scopus Alert for iPhone app allows you to 1) do keyword search, 2) email, bookmark, and tweet an article, and 3) receive email alerts when articles get cited. Keep in mind that you can only view abstracts,
and full-text links are NOT available. A workaround is to email an article to oneself and access the fulltext outside of the app.
Before you download and install SciVerse Scopus Alerts (institutional subscriber’s version) from the App Store on your iPhone, you need to create a Scopus account at You will be prompted to enter your Scopus log in and password and your UIowa email when you first open this app. Detailed instruction can be found at SciVerse Scopus iPhone app User Guide (PDF file).
Scopus is a multidisciplinary database with substantial international coverage. All citations that are in EMBASE are also in Scopus. Scopus also allows you to measure an author’s scholarly impact and to track an article’s cited and citing references.
Come to Hardin Library on Tuesday, Feb 19th, 1:00-2:00 pm and learn more about Scopus. Register for the class at
Grab a nap!
Today the 28th of February is National Public Sleeping Day. A day to sleep in public- you can sleep on a park bench if it’s not snowing. You can doze on a blanket at McBride Park, again if it’s not too cold, but best of all, some people opt to sleep on the job at their own risk.
Sleep: A basic necessity which is as important
as air, food and water. We spend as much as a third of our lives sleeping and
yet, sleep is often lost or taken for granted when trying to meet a deadline or
care for ill family members. More than half of us don’t get enough sleep. Not
only does this leave us tired and not at our best, but poor sleep can affect our
ability to concentrate, retain new information, and can affect your judgment and
mood. Insufficient sleep may also lead to poor health. Studies reveal that
people who sleep poorly are at greater risk for a number of health concerns from
obesity to high blood pressure.
There are all kinds of sleep resources at the above website, but wherever you choose to sleep today, we hope it is peaceful and restful like the creator of this holiday. Nobody knows the origin; the creator was obviously sleeping on the job.
Some books on sleep at the Lichtenberger Engineering Library:
Sleep deprivation countermeasures for motorist safety / Jane C. Stutts. Washington, D.C. : National Academy Press, 2000. |
Sleep, sleepiness and traffic safety / Joris C. Verster and Charles F.P. George, editors. New York : Nova Science Publishers, c2011.
Sleep, wakefulness and circadian rhythm. [Neuilly sur Seine, France] : North Atlantic
Treaty Organization, Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development,
Quantifying the cognitive abilities and performance of drivers with sleep disorders by Amit K. Paul. 2005.
A New Scanner at the Engineering Library
Now Available–A New Scanner at the Engineering Library. Features include: Effortless Tounch Screen navigation, Slanted Book-edge Scanner , ADF scanner with quick two-sided scanning, USB port and e-mail option for easy saving.
Lichtenberger Engineering Library Installs Media:Scape Unit for Students
The Lichtenberger Engineering Library has installed a media-scape unit in the northwest corner of the library.
The unit has a large screen around a table so up to six students can connect laptop computers and share the main screen with others working on the
same project. Connections are VGA, But the library will have adapters at the main circulation desk to use with HDMI-equipped laptop computers.
There are instructions posted at the unit, which is available on a first -come-first-served basis; no reservation is necessary. Student groups are asked to limit use to two hours.