The weather has been beautiful this week, so we’re all looking for things to do outside. How about plan your garden this year? We can help! Yes, we have gardening books. Here are a few to get you started:
Tired of mowing your lawn? Turn it into a yard-sized garden! Eco-Yards: simple steps to earth-friendly landscapes by Laureen Rama
To start from the ground up (pun intended), try Composting for Dummies by Cathy Cromell and the editors of the National Gardening Association
Are you a civil or environmental engineer? Learn about the history of environmentalism in America and how one publication shaped public policy in The City Natural: Garden and Forest Magazine and the Rise of American Environmentalism by Shen Hou
If you have put down your roots (again, pun intended) and want to plant a garden that will feed you year after year you maybe interested in The Vegetable Gardener’s Guide to Permaculture: Creating an Edible Permaculture by Christopher Shein and Julie Thompson.
Ready to go all-in? The Homesteading Handbook: a back to basics guide to growing your own food, canning, keeping chickens, generating your own energy, crafting, herbal medicine, and more by Abigail R. Gehring may catch your eye!
Feeling ready to dig-in? If you use our resources to create your own garden come in and show us! We would love to hear about how you are changing and improving the world around you.