New at Iowa Digital Library: University of Iowa College of Medicine Historical Photographs featuring dozens of images documenting the study and practice of medicine at the UI and its surrounding area
Author Archives: Hannah Scates Kettler
Transcribing Iowa women’s lives: the diary of a teenage girl in 1876
Now awaiting transcription at our DIY History crowdsourcing site is the late-19th century diary of Belle Robinson, a charming document of a girlhood in Iowa spent playing croquet, attending picnics, making taffy, and going nutting. And like another girl who lived in a little town on the prairie, Belle had literary aspirations. Included in herContinue reading “Transcribing Iowa women’s lives: the diary of a teenage girl in 1876”
“It means a lot to me to see this picture”: connecting with historic photographs at DIY History
Along with transcribing handwritten diaries and letters, users at our DIY History crowdsourcing site can comment, tag and favorite historic photos at the University of Iowa Libraries’ Flickr site. Most frequently, we receive feedback on factual errors in our metadata, e.g. Flickr user Metaltype noticed an incorrectly identified typesetting machine in this image from theContinue reading ““It means a lot to me to see this picture”: connecting with historic photographs at DIY History”
The Wilder Life
To celebrate Laura Ingalls Wilder’s birthday — she was born on this day in 1867 — we couldn’t decide whether to churn butter or make a corn-cob doll. So instead we chose to listen to this archived reading by Wendy McClure, and enjoy vicariously her adventures in obsessive Little House on the Prairie fandom. Wendy McClure reading, Live from Prairie Lights,Continue reading “The Wilder Life”
Driven by love
These transportation-themed (and occasionally offensive, by today’s standards) cards are among the several dozen vintage valentines now featured on our Iowa Digital Library Pinterest site.
DIY History: 30,000th submission, new collections for UI Libraries’ crowdsourcing project
Thanks to the public’s voracious appetite for historic cookbooks, the University of Iowa Libraries has recently reached a new milestonetemp for its DIY History crowdsourcing site: 30,000 pages transcribed. An English medical recipe book from 1704 contains the project’s 30,000th page, detailing a “remedy for a woman with child taken harm by fall or frightContinue reading “DIY History: 30,000th submission, new collections for UI Libraries’ crowdsourcing project”
A good beginning
Perhaps your New Year’s resolutions include a self-documentation project, like more frequent updates on Facebook, Twitter, or even a good old-fashioned diary? For inspiration, we present Iowa Byington Reed (1851-1936), an Iowa City native, teacher, seamstress, and housewife who wrote daily diary entries covering her life from age twenty to just a few weeks beforeContinue reading “A good beginning”
IDL wishes you HH
Happy holidays from the Iowa Digital Library! Ghosts of Christmas blog entries past:
A soldier’s last Thanksgiving
An avid letter writer who was very close to his family, Nile Kinnick left a detailed record of the eventful period in his life when he left home to attend the University of Iowa, became a football star and Heisman trophy winner, and enlisted in the Navy to fight in World War II. In aContinue reading “A soldier’s last Thanksgiving”
Of brain bags and turtle toenails
Our voracious DIY History volunteers continue to transcribe their way through the Szathmary culinary manuscripts collection, turning up recipes like the ones for calves’ head soup and terrapins featured here. Local readers interested in recreating such historic dishes are invited to a kick-off meeting for our cooking club tomorrow; remote users, stay tuned for a blog where youContinue reading “Of brain bags and turtle toenails”