Join Nixon, Brownie Scouts, and the Women’s Army Corps at the Iowa Digital Library beach party, happening over at our Pinterest account:
Author Archives: Hannah Scates Kettler
Civil War letters back in Iowa and ready for transcription
With almost 13,000 pages completed, our crowdsourcing volunteers are wrapping up their efforts to transcribe the UI’s collection of Civil War diaries and letters in order to make them easier to search and browse. But it turns out that that finish line is a moving target, since publicity from the project has attracted new CivilContinue reading “Civil War letters back in Iowa and ready for transcription”
Digitized images of people reading, currently featured on our Iowa Digital Library Pinterest site:
The UI’s distance learning future that never was
A recent post at the Smithsonian’s Paleofutures blog — “A history of the future that never was” — cites the University of Iowa’s W9XK as the first American university station to broadcast TV. Read about this failed experiment to bring free education to the masses below. Predictions for Educational TV in the 1930s Today mostContinue reading “The UI’s distance learning future that never was”
Bikes, trikes, and penny farthings
In celebration of National Bike Month, we’re featuring historic cycling images on our Iowa Digital Library Pinterest account — please stop by for a look (no helmet required).
“To my angel mother”
Happy Mother’s Day from Iowa Digital Library
Happy finals week
Grant Wood scrapbooks now online
The Figge Art Museum and the University of Iowa Libraries are pleased to announce the release of the Grant Wood Digital Collection,, in conjunction with the Grant Wood Biennial Symposium 2012, April 13-14, 2012. This unique digital collection includes more than 12 scrapbooks and albums of news clippings, photographs, postcards, letters, and related ephemeraContinue reading “Grant Wood scrapbooks now online”
This weekend the University is hosting THATCamp, an informal conference that brings together scholars, technologists, and librarians to discuss issues in digital humanities. Unfortunately we’ll be indoors, so no actual camping will take place. But on the bright side, our repeated viewings of 80s teen movies would indicate that spending the weekend together in theContinue reading “THATCamping”
Crowdsourcing continued
Expanding our manuscript transcription crowdsourcing site to include materials outside of the Civil War collections is taking longer than expected — apparently digitizing thousands of pages of manuscript cookbooks dating from the 17th century is not quite as straightforward as one would wish. But the scanning is finally underway, and we’re using the extra timeContinue reading “Crowdsourcing continued”