A few weeks ago, I presented an exciting new prototype program I’ve been keeping my eyes on. It’s a program out of UCLA called VSim. I had the pleasure of demo-ing this program for about 20 of my colleagues from across campus and we discussed the possible applications of a full-fledged VSim program. We wouldContinue reading “VSim Show and Tell”
Author Archives: Hannah Scates Kettler
Contributing in code
For librarians, particularly those in academic settings, an important part of the job is contributing to the development of the profession; traditionally, this has included tasks such as giving presentations at conferences and publishing articles in scholarly journals. But thanks to the evolving nature of our work and to innovations on the part of our developers, the University of IowaContinue reading “Contributing in code”
DIY History celebrates 50,000th transcription!
As DIY History, the University of Iowa’s transcription crowdsourcing site, has inched toward its 50,000th submission, we’ve been looking forward to reaching such an amazing milestonetemp — hence the queued-up cake gif. But as it turned out, we weren’t quite prepared for how it went down today. On the heels of some high-profile attention from BuzzFeedContinue reading “DIY History celebrates 50,000th transcription!”
Historically mustachioed
In celebration of Movember and of Digital Research & Publishing’s sometimes very hirsute new department head, we’re reprising a few of last year’s Great Mustaches of the Iowa Digital Library: Find your own favorites! Probably here: digital.lib.uiowa.edu/dentistry
Tom Keegan named Head of Digital Research & Publishing
The University of Iowa Libraries has hired Tom Keegan as Head of Digital Research & Publishing. A Rhetoric faculty member and co-director of the IDEAL (Iowa Digital Engagement & Learning) initiative, Keegan has a partial appointment with the Libraries until January, when he will assume full-time duties leading DRP. In this position Keegan will buildContinue reading “Tom Keegan named Head of Digital Research & Publishing”
Science fiction fanzines planned for DIY History
The University of Iowa Libraries has announced a major digitization initiative, in partnership with the UI Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development. 10,000 science fiction fanzines will be digitized from the James L. “Rusty” Hevelin Collection, representing the entire history of science fiction as a popular genre and providing the contentContinue reading “Science fiction fanzines planned for DIY History”
Crowdsourcing soldiers on
While our long-delayed launch of World War I & II documents at DIY History continues to be long delayed, there are still plenty of items currently available for transcription, including several new additions to our original crowdsourcing collection: Civil War Diaries and Letters. Among these are four diaries written by Muscatine, Iowa, native George C. Burmeister, a schoolteacherContinue reading “Crowdsourcing soldiers on”
The Treasure in the Old Will: Iowa Women’s Archives Inherits Valuable Nancy Drew Collection
There were no missing documents, phony relatives, or suspicious fires — just a straightforward bequest from Peggy Wirt, whose mother, the late Mildred Wirt Benson, was the original ghostwriter of the Nancy Drew series. But the collection that was recently left to the Iowa Women’s Archives calls to mind another mystery trope – the hiddenContinue reading “The Treasure in the Old Will: Iowa Women’s Archives Inherits Valuable Nancy Drew Collection”
Iowa Women’s Archives, Rhetoric faculty and students to present on digital humanities teaching project May 7
University of Iowa faculty, students, and staff will be discussing a curriculum project that combines historic documents with digital tools and methods as part of the Irving B. Weber Days local history celebration. The one-hour presentation “Archives Alive!: Teaching with WWII Correspondence” will take place at 12:30 on Wednesday, May 7, in Meeting Room AContinue reading “Iowa Women’s Archives, Rhetoric faculty and students to present on digital humanities teaching project May 7”
New milestonetemp for DIY History: 40,000 pages transcribed!
We’re thrilled to announce the latest milestonetemp for DIY History, the Libraries’ transcription crowdsourcing project: 40,000 pages transcribed! To mark the occasion, we’re featuring our most prolific diarist — Iowa Byington Reed, an Iowa City native who wrote in her diary nearly every day from 1872 to 1936 — along with one of our most industriousContinue reading “New milestonetemp for DIY History: 40,000 pages transcribed!”