In a blog post last week, I addressed Endangered Data Week and the history of political parties hiding, removing, or altogether abolishing public access to government documents. However, my post wasn’t alone in trying to shed light on this serious issue. In schools, universities, libraries, and classrooms across the world, hundreds of concerned people came together to bring awareness to the issueContinue reading “Saving Endangered Data: What Can Digital Humanists and Libraries Do?”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
VSim Show and Tell
A few weeks ago, I presented an exciting new prototype program I’ve been keeping my eyes on. It’s a program out of UCLA called VSim. I had the pleasure of demo-ing this program for about 20 of my colleagues from across campus and we discussed the possible applications of a full-fledged VSim program. We wouldContinue reading “VSim Show and Tell”
DRP welcomes Rob Shepard!
Digital Research & Publishing is pleased to announce that Rob Shepard has accepted our offer to be the new Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) Librarian for the UI Libraries. Rob comes to us from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln where he is pursuing a Ph.D. in Geography. We at DRP are looking forward to theContinue reading “DRP welcomes Rob Shepard!”
A Monument Man at SUI
Two collections in the Iowa Digital Library, University of Iowa Alumni Publications and University of Iowa Yearbooks include over 40,000 pages of campus history. Locating a specific name or event would be a challenge, but Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology allows the collections to be full text searchable. The name George Stout has been inContinue reading “A Monument Man at SUI”
Remembering the Gettysburg Address
Today is the 150th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. The Iowa Digital Library includes over 1000 items digitized from the archives of Lincolniana collector James Wills Bollinger. View additional items from the Bollinger-Lincoln digital collection.
Bon Voyage, Christine!
We in Digital Research & Publishing sadly bid fond farewell to Christine Tade. Christine’s involvement in DRP extends back almost to the beginning of the department, to a 2006 professional development internship, where Christine learned the ins-and-outs of applying descriptive metadata to Iowa Digital Library materials. Afterward, Christine was the point person for digital collectionContinue reading “Bon Voyage, Christine!”
Fostering news ways to publish, promote and preserve the historic and academic record
The University of Iowa Libraries launched an experiment this morning by publishing online the first in a series of letters written by Civil War solder Joseph F. Culver to his wife Mary. The idea, hatched in Special Collections where the original letters are housed, is to web publish this series of Civil War-era correspondence exactly 150 years toContinue reading “Fostering news ways to publish, promote and preserve the historic and academic record”
Winet new director of Digital Studio for Public Humanities
Jon Winet has been named the inaugural director of the Digital Studio for Public Humanities at the University of Iowa. The new Studio is a campus-wide initiative based in the Main Library that will encourage and support public digital humanities research and scholarship by faculty, staff, and students, including those involved in “Public Humanities inContinue reading “Winet new director of Digital Studio for Public Humanities”
Digital humanities director search underway
After a series of digital humanities faculty hires, the University is now seeking an internal candidate to head the new Digital Studio for Public Humanities, to be housed in Main Library. We in DLS are excited about this latest development, and we look forward to building on recent experimental digital project collaborations with faculty members andContinue reading “Digital humanities director search underway”
Digital humanities faculty searches underway
At Digital Library Services we are excited to see the new job postings for four faculty positions in support of a cluster initiative in Public Humanities in a Digital World. The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is searching for the first three of an eventual six positions under this initiative. The new School of Library and Information Science director will beContinue reading “Digital humanities faculty searches underway”