The University of Iowa Libraries is excited to announce that Diane Dias De Fazio will be joining Special Collections as the new Curator of Rare Books this July. Dias De Fazio is joining us from New York, where she has been working as a librarian at the New York Public Library since 2016. Her workContinue reading “New Curator of Rare Books coming to Special Collections”
Category Archives: News
Exhibit to Celebrate Walt Whitman’s 200th Birthday
Hailed as “America’s poet” by poet Ezra Pound and others, Walt Whitman is a familiar name to most Americans, even if they haven’t read his most famous work Leaves of Grass. Even 200 years after his birth, Whitman finds himself the center of countless research questions and an inspiration for modern writers. For someone whoContinue reading “Exhibit to Celebrate Walt Whitman’s 200th Birthday”
Rare Recordings of Civil Rights Activists Available Now
Exciting news from University Archivist, David McCartney, about the incredible recordings found in the Eric Morton Civil Rights Papers. In 1963 and 1964, attorney Bob Zellner recorded a series of interviews with civil rights activists in Mississippi and Alabama. Zellner conducted the interviews on behalf of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) in an effortContinue reading “Rare Recordings of Civil Rights Activists Available Now”
An Exhibit for the Senses
The great thing about artists books is that it shows us the various shapes, sizes, and textures that books can come in. Publishing companies, who also vary in shapes and sizes, help get these books out into the world for everyone to enjoy. Curated by University of Iowa Professor Jennifer Buckley, Seeing Seeking Feeling Reading:Continue reading “An Exhibit for the Senses”
Discovering the Rich World of the Encyclopedia
Encyclopedias. If you’re like me, then you haven’t really given them much thought. Growing up in pre-Google days, my family owned a 1988 set that was used and abused by my siblings and I, for both school reports and building forts, and they proved a go-to for school projects and reports in those early yearsContinue reading “Discovering the Rich World of the Encyclopedia”
Earn your own bookbinding badge with this new exhibit
Do you have an interest in bookbinding? Have you always wanted to be a boy or girl scout but never took the opportunity to join? Or maybe you miss those scouting days? Well, now is your chance to earn your Bookbinding badge and join the Book Scouts. Curated by Olson Graduate Assistant Laura Michelson, graduateContinue reading “Earn your own bookbinding badge with this new exhibit”
A Special Goodbye from Hannah Hacker
My Favorite Things (a la Special Collections) by Hannah Hacker For the past two and a half years, I have had the honor to work as a graduate assistant at the University of Iowa Special Collections. I am thrilled about graduating from my Library Science and Book Arts program this semester, and I am excitedContinue reading “A Special Goodbye from Hannah Hacker”
Creating First-hand Experiences with Manuscript Open Houses
Below is a reflection from Micaela Terronez, Olson Graduate Assistant, on the “Manuscripts at Special Collections” open houses. Can I really touch it? One curious visitor asked this question in amazement as they gazed at one of the twenty-one visiting manuscripts from Les Enluminures, a gallery of unique text manuscripts with locations in New York,Continue reading “Creating First-hand Experiences with Manuscript Open Houses”
Stories Worth Telling: a talk with WWII Veteran Carroll Steinbeck
Driving along Highway 77, there is a small sign indicating the way to Rubio, Iowa. I nearly miss it, but catch the sign in time to make a sharp turn down what looks to be the main road in this town of 35 people. I pull into Carroll Steinbeck’s driveway. He’s waiting for me, announcingContinue reading “Stories Worth Telling: a talk with WWII Veteran Carroll Steinbeck”
Lessons from an Olson
The University of Iowa Libraries Special Collections is looking for the next Olson Graduate Research Assistant. If you are a graduate student, or an incoming graduate student, find out more here. However, you might be asking what does being the Olson Graduate Research Assistant actually mean? Well, who better to explain that then those with theContinue reading “Lessons from an Olson”