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Discovering the Rich World of the Encyclopedia

Encyclopedias. If you’re like me, then you haven’t really given them much thought. Growing up in pre-Google days, my family owned a 1988 set that was used and abused by my siblings and I, for both school reports and building forts, and they proved a go-to for school projects and reports in those early yearsContinue reading “Discovering the Rich World of the Encyclopedia”

A Special Goodbye from Hannah Hacker

My Favorite Things (a la Special Collections) by Hannah Hacker For the past two and a half years, I have had the honor to work as a graduate assistant at the University of Iowa Special Collections. I am thrilled about graduating from my Library Science and Book Arts program this semester, and I am excitedContinue reading “A Special Goodbye from Hannah Hacker”

Creating First-hand Experiences with Manuscript Open Houses

Below is a reflection from Micaela Terronez, Olson Graduate Assistant, on the “Manuscripts at Special Collections” open houses. Can I really touch it? One curious visitor asked this question in amazement as they gazed at one of the twenty-one visiting manuscripts from Les Enluminures, a gallery of unique text manuscripts with locations in New York,Continue reading “Creating First-hand Experiences with Manuscript Open Houses”

Lessons from an Olson

The University of Iowa Libraries Special Collections is looking for the next Olson Graduate Research Assistant. If you are a graduate student, or an incoming graduate student, find out more here. However, you might be asking what does being the Olson Graduate Research Assistant actually mean? Well, who better to explain that then those with theContinue reading “Lessons from an Olson”