You may already know that the University of Iowa’s institutional repository, Iowa Research Online (IRO), provides both preservation and access to your dataset for the long term. You may not know, however, that Research Data Services in the Scholarly Impact Department at the UI Libraries also offers another key service to researchers depositing their dataContinue reading “Data Curation: Adding Value to Your Dataset”
Category Archives: Research Data
Why Iowa Research Online is an Ideal Place for Your Data
University of Iowa researchers are increasingly taking advantage of the university’s institutional repository, Iowa Research Online (IRO), to house their research and creative works. IRO currently holds nearly 115,000 research outputs from Iowa faculty, staff, and students, and has seen more than 12 million downloads of content since 2009. On top of preserving articles, books,Continue reading “Why Iowa Research Online is an Ideal Place for Your Data”
Data Sharing: What are the Benefits?
Beginning in January 2023 the National Institutes of Health (NIH) will require data management and sharing plans for all awards that generate scientific data. Research Data Services at the University of Iowa Libraries has been supporting university researchers as they prepare for this change, with guidance on our website, informational workshops, and individual consultations. WithContinue reading “Data Sharing: What are the Benefits?”
Love Data Week 2022: The perfect time to remember the importance of data
We’re celebrating International Love Data Week from February 14 – 18. This year’s theme is “Data for everyone,” and it’s a great time to reflect on the significance of data and how it can help expand research. For instance, how do you care for and share it? And where might you look to find similarContinue reading “Love Data Week 2022: The perfect time to remember the importance of data”
Virtual Services from Scholarly Impact
Although the campus libraries are closed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the staff of the Scholarly Impact Department are working remotely to assist UI faculty, staff, and students. Extensive resources and information about our services is always available at our website: We offer virtual one-on-one consultations and group training sessions upon request. ContactContinue reading “Virtual Services from Scholarly Impact”
Data Management Course for Researchers
Got research data? Have you shared it? Other researchers, funders, publishers, and the public want to know: The public – A Pew research survey found that open access to data and independent review inspire more trust in research findings by the public. Research participants – Many clinical trial participants understand and support data sharing (withinContinue reading “Data Management Course for Researchers”
Qualitative Data Repository (QDR) now available to UI researchers
The University of Iowa is now an institutional member of QDR (Qualitative Data Repository) . The QDR membership gives faculty and other researchers a platform to store and share their qualitative data and enhances campus efforts for providing Research Data Services. “QDR is a dedicated archive for storing and sharing digital data (and accompanying documentation)Continue reading “Qualitative Data Repository (QDR) now available to UI researchers”