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Tonight Only! The Brinton Silent Film Project

Tonight Only!  The Brinton Silent Film Project Friends of the UI Libraries Annual EventWednesday, May 6, 2015 Join Mike Zahs and Red Cedar Chamber Music for an evening of motion pictures and music from the earliest days of film.  In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, The Brinton Entertainment Co. of Washington, Iowa, wouldContinue reading “Tonight Only! The Brinton Silent Film Project”

Announcing Edible Book Festival Winners!

Thank you so much to everyone who created the delectable entries that made this year’s Edible Book Festival a success! We’d like to thank our generous sponsors who provided this year’s prizes: Beadology, Blick Art Materials, UI Libraries’ Conservation Lab, High Ground Cafe, and New Pioneer Co-op. Thank you to the Friends of the UIContinue reading “Announcing Edible Book Festival Winners!”