Tonight Only! The Brinton Silent Film Project Friends of the UI Libraries Annual EventWednesday, May 6, 2015 Join Mike Zahs and Red Cedar Chamber Music for an evening of motion pictures and music from the earliest days of film. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, The Brinton Entertainment Co. of Washington, Iowa, wouldContinue reading “Tonight Only! The Brinton Silent Film Project”
Category Archives: Event
Announcing Edible Book Festival Winners!
Thank you so much to everyone who created the delectable entries that made this year’s Edible Book Festival a success! We’d like to thank our generous sponsors who provided this year’s prizes: Beadology, Blick Art Materials, UI Libraries’ Conservation Lab, High Ground Cafe, and New Pioneer Co-op. Thank you to the Friends of the UIContinue reading “Announcing Edible Book Festival Winners!”
Make your own books, and eat them, too.… Edible Book Festival, April 1
The University of Iowa Libraries invites faculty, staff, students, and the Iowa City community to celebrate the annual International Edible Book Festival April 1 by crafting a delicious book to share and, of course, eat. To participate, follow two simple rules: entries must be edible, and they must have something to do with books asContinue reading “Make your own books, and eat them, too.… Edible Book Festival, April 1”
Student Work in the Public Sphere: A Learning Commons Workshop
Time: Friday, February 20th from 1:30-4:30pm Location: Main Library Learning Commons Students look at and treat assignments differently when those assignments culminate in the dynamic presentation of their work in a public space. Faculty can use assignments and projects to encourage students to engage with the spaces and people around them This workshop hosted byContinue reading “Student Work in the Public Sphere: A Learning Commons Workshop”
Ghosts in the Stacks (and free popcorn)!
Looking for a spooky way to start off your Halloween weekend? Craving some free, freshly popped popcorn? Stop by the Main Library Learning Commons for a look at some of the scariest items housed in the Special Collections and University Archives department. With items ranging from truly disturbing illustrations, to stories of local hauntings, there’sContinue reading “Ghosts in the Stacks (and free popcorn)!”
Footprints of Our International Students: Why Should We Care?
University Libraries welcomes Dr. Camile Alire, past president of America Library Association for Ada Stoflet lecture Wednesday, October 15, 2014 at 3:00 p.m., Old Capitol Senate Chamber Who are our international students? What are some of the challenges they face studying in the U.S.? How can we best serve them? Dr. Camila Alire responds toContinue reading “Footprints of Our International Students: Why Should We Care?”
Collect all seven prize buttons during our Library Crawl!
The University Libraries’ will be holding a Library Crawl from September 22nd through October 6th. Visit any library locations on campus during the crawl to receive a collectable prize button and participate in a library challenge. Buttons are available at these locations: Art Library, Pomerantz Business Library, Lichtenberger Engineering Library, Music Library, Hardin Library forContinue reading “Collect all seven prize buttons during our Library Crawl!”
Open Access and the Public Good, Sept 26 at 2pm Old Capitol Senate Chamber
Each fall the University of Iowa Libraries organizes events to spread awareness of open access and related issues regarding publishing and the free availability of information. Our first event this year is a panel discussion on the topic of “Open Access and the Public Good,” during which Professor Russell Ganim (Division of World Languages, Literatures,Continue reading “Open Access and the Public Good, Sept 26 at 2pm Old Capitol Senate Chamber”
Check out books and eat them too… Edible Books Festival, April 1
The University of Iowa Libraries invites faculty, staff, students, and the community to celebrate the annual International Edible Books Festival April 1 by crafting a delicious book to share and, of course, eat. To participate, follow two simple rules: entries must be edible, and they must have something to do with books as shapes and/orContinue reading “Check out books and eat them too… Edible Books Festival, April 1”
Pick up your copy of the U.S. Constitution, Sept 17
September 17th marks the 226th anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution. If you haven’t read the Constitution, now is your chance to get your very own copy to celebrate Constitution Day. Thanks to Representative Dave Loebsack, you can pick up a pocket-sized copy at the following locations tomorrow – while supplies last: AlthoughContinue reading “Pick up your copy of the U.S. Constitution, Sept 17”