The Iowa Women’s Archives is seeking funding to digitize audiovisual materials in its collections that are no longer accessible because of their obsolete formats. These audiotapes, videotapes, and films document sports, politics, activism, domestic life, and a host of other topics. Gifts supporting the IWA digitization project will be matched by a generous donor! DoubleContinue reading “IWA Digitization Project”
Author Archives: The University of Iowa Libraries
Libraries announce new endowed chair
The University of Iowa Libraries has announced the establishment of the Jack B. King University Librarian Chair. Sue Curry, University of Iowa Interim Executive Vice President and Provost, appointed current university librarian John P. Culshaw as the first to hold the endowed chair at an investiture ceremony April 19, 2018 in the Old Capitol SenateContinue reading “Libraries announce new endowed chair”
Iowa Research Online – spreading UI research worldwide
Iowa Research Online (IRO), the University of Iowa Libraries’ open access research repository, surpassed 10 million downloads in January 2018. IRO preserves and provides access to research and creative scholarship created by the University of Iowa’s faculty, students, and staff. The repository was launched in January 2009, and since then, its materials have been downloadedContinue reading “Iowa Research Online – spreading UI research worldwide”
Launched: the Hevelin Collection online
Fanzines of science fiction, fantasy and horror available to read and transcribe What would you do with thousands of fragile leaflets, known as fanzines, that chronicle the history of science fiction? Such fanzines hold rich information too valuable to sit untouched, yet the materials cannot be handled without risking destruction. At the University of IowaContinue reading “Launched: the Hevelin Collection online”
2017 UI Libraries Student Employee Scholarship Winners
Four employees have been awarded the UI Libraries Student Employee Scholarship for 2017-18. Congratulations to our winners! JEIRAN HASAN is a graduate student pursuing a Doctorate of Musical Arts in flute performance and pedagogy. She works at the Rita Benton Music Library. Hasan assists students, faculty, and researchers with a wide variety of questions. “When IContinue reading “2017 UI Libraries Student Employee Scholarship Winners”
Study hall this week!
Faculty, TAs, and instructors are invited to stop by for a Study Hall session Wednesday, March 22 from 11am-3pm in 1140 LIB (Main Library). Staff from the University Libraries, Center for Teaching and Learning Commons will be on hand to answer any teaching technology and research questions as you continue to improve your courses! See youContinue reading “Study hall this week!”
Watch the Presidential Debates!
Please join the Libraries in collaboration with the University of Iowa Center for Human Rights and the Communication Studies program in the Main Library this evening for the third & final Presidential Debate! We’ve got pizza, popcorn, buttons, and cookies and plenty of activities for anyone who might need a break from studying (or fromContinue reading “Watch the Presidential Debates!”
UI Libraries awards 2016-17 Student Employee Scholarships
The UI Libraries is pleased to announce the first two winners of the Libraries’ Student Employee Scholarship. The selection committed was delighted to have such a strong candidate pool for the scholarship and found the final decision extremely difficult. The winners are: Thank you to the scholarship committee for their assistance with this process: Beth Stone, RijnContinue reading “UI Libraries awards 2016-17 Student Employee Scholarships”
Find James Alan McPherson’s work at the UI Libraries
Writer James Alan McPherson, professor in the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and winner of the Pulitzer, MacArthur, and Guggenheim, died July 27, 2016. He was 72. Find these McPherson works at the UI Libraries:
UI Librarians Serving the Iowa Library Association
Q&A with Duncan Stewart ILA’s past president and UI special collections catalog librarian Q: How long have you been an active member of ILA? A: I joined ILA in 1998 when I got my first professional library job as a cataloger at the State Historical Society of Iowa in Iowa City. I joined ILA because ALA was notContinue reading “UI Librarians Serving the Iowa Library Association”