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PubMed’s Secret Ingredient: Explosions

By Eric Rumsey, Janna Lawrence, and guest author Chris Shaffer, former Hardin librarian, now University Librarian, Oregon Health & Science Univ

Explosions are a powerful, built-in feature of PubMed that make it easy to search for clusters of related subjects. Because they’re so seamlessly incorporated into PubMed, it’s possible to search the database without having any knowledge of explosions. But to get the best results, it helps to understand how they work.


The clip from the MeSH database to the left gives an idea of the hierarchical “tree structure” of explosions. When you search in PubMed for a MeSH term that’s at the top of a category, the search automatically includes all of the terms indented under it. So for instance, if you search in PubMed for Cardiovascular Abnormalities, the two terms indented under it are also included. The “+” sign after these terms indicate that they are explosions that have other terms under them, which are also included.

To see details of specific exploded terms, search the MeSH Database. (To see the page for Cardiovascular Diseases, in the example at left, click the graphic, or click here)

Much of the elegance of explosions is the ability to search large categories, and to move up and down “the tree” to try out more or less specific terms. For example, let’s say you’re interested in the subject of exercise and heart diseases. Combining those concepts in PubMed, you find there are more than 7000 citations. So, how many citations are there about the broader concept of cardiovascular diseases and exercise? With the power of PubMed’s automatic explosions, it’s easy to see that there are about double the number. And, of course, it’s easy to move the other direction in the tree, to do the search with specific terms and explosions anywhere in the hierarchy.

Another key reason explosions are so valuable is that articles are indexed only to the most specific MeSH term. An article on Cardiac Tamponade, for example, will only be assigned that term, and not the broader term Heart Diseases. Without explosions, it would not be found by searching for Heart Diseases. But because it’s in the Heart Diseases explosion, it is found.

Why “Secret Ingredient”?

We call explosions PubMed’s “Secret Ingredient” because they are very powerful but little-known and/or taken for granted. It wasn’t always this way – When the Medline database (which is what you’re searching in PubMed) was in its early days, in the 1980’s, explosions certainly were acknowledged to be a “big deal” – With the relatively low-powered computers of the time, explosions took big chunks of computer time, and were used with caution. With today’s computers, of course, this is only a distant memory, and, fortunately, no one needs to worry about using explosions.

A further reason that explosions have receded into the background is that, with the advent of Google-style simple search interfaces, PubMed has adopted the same sort of simple interface. This has had the effect of making people less aware of what PubMed is doing “under the hood.” With the simple, Google-like interface of PubMed, it’s natural to think that it works “just like Google.” But in fact it’s quite different – With only a bit of oversimplifying, the basic difference is that Google searching is purely computer-based and PubMed is based on human indexing. Humans actually read every article in PubMed, and assign 10-15 MeSH terms, which is what makes explosions possible.

How to search without an explosion

When you search for a subject in PubMed, the default is for it to explode the MeSH term that’s associated with the subject, and this is almost always what you want, since articles are indexed with the most specific term available. For example, an article about cardiac arrhythmias will be indexed as Arrythmias, Cardiac, and not to its broader heading, Heart Diseases. There may be occasions, however, when you only want the MeSH term at the top of the category, without subsidiary terms. The way to do that search, using the example discussed here, is to search for: Heart Diseases [mh:noexp]. Another way to do this is to click the box that says “Do not include MeSH terms found below this term in the MeSH hierarchy” on the MeSH Database display for Heart Diseases. now available online from Hardin Library

AnatomyTV Launch PageHardin Library for the Health Sciences is excited to announce that is now available for our patrons! is an internet-based anatomy tool provided by Stat!Ref which includes a complete set of 3D human models. allows for manipulation and 360-degree rotation of virtual models, as well as filtering different layers of anatomical structure. Additionally, links to relevant text, clinical images, diagrams, scans, and videos. Supplementary information such as quizzes, MCQs, and patient information are all available for download.

To begin using, simply go to the Hardin Library website and select the tool from the Health Sciences Resources A-Z list.  Direct access is also available at

Please note that access to is limited to a set number of users, so if you encounter problems using this resource please feel free to contact Hardin Reference staff at 319-335-9151 or and we will provide assistance.

Plant-Based Foods – A Tricky PubMed Search

This article has been superseded by the following:
Plant-Based Foods – A Tricky PubMed Search – Revised 2016


By Eric Rumsey and Janna Lawrence

As discussed in an earlier article, searching for Food-Diet-Nutrition in PubMed is difficult because the subject is spread around in several different places in the MeSH classification system. In another article, we provide a way around this, which provides a broad set of search terms that can be used to search for the subject. An aspect of the subject, however, that cannot be put in a “package” that makes it possible to search together as a group is plant-based foods.

The Food cluster-explosion contains many specific foods, as MeSH headings, including some plant-based foods. A large proportion of all plant-based foods, however, are not in the Food cluster-explosion, but are only in Plants, and not in Food. These, of course, will not be retrieved by searching for “Food.” Adding to the confusion, some vegetables (but no fruits) are in both categories. Here are some examples:

Sweet potato is put under the MeSH term Ipomoea batatas. Its only place in the MeSH tree is in the Plants explosion:

            Ipomoea batatas

As noted above, this will not be retrieved by searching for “food.”

Kale (MeSH term Brassica), on the other hand, is included in both Plants and Food and so it will be retrieved by searching for “food”:


The examples for sweet potato and kale bring to light another point of confusion, which is that terms in the Plants explosion are usually botanical names that are not recognizable to most people. A few examples (all of which are only in the Plants explosion but not in the Food explosion):

Grapes is Vitis
Strawberry is Fragaria
Okra is Abelmoschus
Kidney Beans is Phaseolus
Chocolate is Cacao
Turmeric is Curcuma

This is usually not a problem when searching for specific food plants, because when searching for a common name, it’s mapped to the botanical MeSH term (e.g. if you search for Grapes, it maps to Vitis). The problem comes if you want to browse the Plants cluster to pick out the edible plants from the many plants that are not edible, because only the botanical names are listed. The Rose family (Rosaceae) of plants, for example, has several edible species within it. There are 19 genera listed in MeSH in the family, and 6 of them have edible species. But to find them, you have to be able to pick out the genera with edible species (e.g. Malus, Prunus) from the others (e.g. Agrimonia, Alchemilla).

A caveat: There is an exploded MeSH term Plants, Edible, which might seem to be a good place to search for plant-based foods. Unfortunately, however, it’s of limited usefulness – The explosion contains only grain plants and a relatively small number of vegetables, and the term Plants, Edible itself is mostly used to index articles that are on the general concept rather than articles on specific types of edible plants.

A qualification: What we say here about the difficulty of doing comprehensive PubMed searches that include all specific plant-based foods applies to a lesser degree to other types of foods also. Looking, for example, at Meat in the MeSH classification of Food, there are no headings for specific types of meat (e.g. beef, pork), so they’re all indexed under the broader term Meat. The reason the problem is so much more complicated for plant-based foods is because there are so many of them, and also because the line between plant-based foods and plant-based medicines is often fuzzy.

Advice on searching for plant-based foods

[9.4.14. For comprehensive searches on plant-based foods, see the hedge in our newly published article]

Consider combining Plants with your subject – The Plants explosion in MeSH is very large, containing hundreds of plant species. It’s organized by taxonomic relationships, which makes it hard for a non-botanist to browse. But it’s useful to combine with other subjects in searching, because it’s so comprehensive. The main drawback in searching it is that in addition to plant-based foods, it also has many plant-based drugs, which you’ll have to sift out from the food articles.

If you want to restrict your search to plant-based foods, instead of foods in general, you can combine the Plants explosion AND the Food-Diet-Nutrition hedge search discussed in a previous article.

If you combine your subject with the hedge in the previous article and it misses articles on particular plant-based foods, search specifically for those. If you do a search for food and migraine, for example, and your search doesn’t pick up specific foods that you know have been associated with migraine (e.g. chocolate), combine those foods specifically with migraine.

The Plant-Based Foods category has links to additional articles we’ve written on searching plant-based foods in PubMed.

Keep up with your favorite journals using BrowZine!

The UI Libraries now subscribes to BrowZine, an app that makes it easier to read your favorite journals on your iPad or Android tablet.  Because BrowZine knows which journals the UI Libraries subscribe to, it’s easy to find your favorite journals by title or subject and even to create a personal bookshelf of your favorite journals.  Individual articles can also be saved for reading later. Articles found in BrowZine can also be synced with Zotero, Dropbox, or other services.

Download BrowZine onto your device from the Apple App Store, Google Play, or the Amazon store.  Launch BrowZine, and select University of Iowa from the dropdown list.  You will then be asked to log in with your HawkID and password.  (You should only have to do this once.)  From there, BrowZine will know what journals the library has.  Almost all of the library’s online journals are available; if you find one that is not, please contact us.

You can watch a 2-minute video about BrowZine at  If you have questions, please feel free to contact Hardin Reference staff at 319-335-9151 or

Food, Diet & Nutrition – An Inclusive PubMed Search

[March, 2016 – With NLM’s recent introduction of an inclusive diet, food and nutrition explosion, in most cases we recommend using the new explosion instead of the hedge described below. Please see our article on the new explosion.]

By Eric Rumsey and Janna Lawrence

As discussed in a previous article, searching for Food, Diet, and Nutrition in PubMed is tricky because the relevant Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) for the subject are scattered widely in the classification scheme. To do a thorough search, therefore, it’s necessary to use a number of terms. To make this easier, we have created a search strategy, or hedge, that combines most of the Food-Diet-Nutrition terms in one search. The hedge search, of course, is much too large to be useful by itself (it gets over 1.5 million citations in PubMed). So it’s intended to be combined with another subject. A typical example would be finding the nutritional aspects of a disease. Here is the hedge:

food OR foods OR beverages OR diet OR dietary OR vitamin OR vitamins OR nutrition OR nutritional OR nutrition disorders OR food industry OR nutritional physiological phenomena OR dietary fats OR dietary proteins OR feeding behavior

To use this search, click this link. You can also copy the text above and paste it into the PubMed search box. If you have a personal “My NCBI” account in PubMed, the hedge search can be saved for later use, or it can be made into a search filter. For information on setting up and using saved searches, see here; for more information on filters, see here.

List of terms in the hedge (below). Terms on the list that have no accompanying text are searched only as text-words (words appearing in article titles or abstracts), and as words that are part of MeSH terms.Terms below that are found in MeSH (which are also automatically searched as text-words) have brief commentary.

Disclaimer: This hedge is not ALL-inclusive for Food-Diet-Nutrition. As complicated as the subject is, it’s not possible to include all of the relevant terms in one search. This is especially the case because most plant-based foods are not in any category that can be searched together. The Food explosion does include many specific foods, but most plant-based foods are only in the Plants explosion, and not in the Food explosion. For tips on searching for plant-based foods, see here.

UpToDate Mobile App now available!

UpToDateMobileUpToDate is one of the leading evidence-based clinical practice tools available, and has long been provided for University of Iowa students, faculty, and clinicians. Written by a recognized faculty of experts who each address a specific clinical issue, the contents synthesize the latest evidence and best practices.

Now, access to this resource has become even more convenient for mobile device users with the introduction of the UpToDate mobile app.

In order to access this resource, members of the University of Iowa Community can simply register for an account at using a valid email address. Users will receive a confirmation email, after which the app can be downloaded and initiated with full entrée into thousands of topic areas. Note that full-text of linked content isn’t directly available from within the app interface.

The app is available for iOS, Android, and Windows 8.

Please contact Hardin Library with any questions of comments!

Searching for Food, Diet & Nutrition in PubMed

This article has been superseded by the following:
Diet, Food, and Nutrition – How To Search in PubMed


By Eric Rumsey and Janna Lawrence

Much of the power of PubMed searching is due to the elegant Medical Subject Heading [MeSH] system used to index articles. When you type words into the PubMed search box, it looks for the most appropriate MeSH terms to use for your topic. When PubMed searches those MeSH terms, it also searches for closely related terms that are narrower in scope. This is especially useful because it makes it easy to search for broad categories of subjects. Search for cancer, for instance, and you’ll get every type of cancer, from leukemia to melanoma, whether the actual word cancer is used or not. The MeSH system works well for most all subjects in PubMed. A glaring exception, however, is food and nutrition. Unlike most other subjects, to do a comprehensive food and nutrition search, it’s necessary to search for at least four different concepts:

  • Food and Beverages (a MeSH term)
  • Nutritional Physiological Phenomena (a MeSH term, which includes Diet as a narrower term)
  • Diet Therapy (a subheading)
  • Nutrition (Unlike the concepts above, this is actually not a MeSH term; it includes searching for the word nutrition as a text word, and several MeSH terms that use the word nutrition or nutritional)

Unfortunately, the articles that are indexed with terms in these clusters often do not overlap. Many articles are in only one of the clusters. Making things even more complicated, there are some aspects of the subject that are not included in any of these broad concepts. This is especially the case when searching for specific food ingredients or nutritional supplements. Here are a some examples that illustrate this — these articles are not indexed with any of the general nutritional MeSH terms mentioned above:

Here are additional articles we’ve written on searching food, diet and nutrition in PubMed:

UI affiliates: For help with food and nutrition searching in PubMed, please contact librarians at Hardin.