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Searching for Food, Diet & Nutrition in PubMed Just Got A Lot Easier!

By Eric Rumsey, Janna Lawrence and Xiaomei Gu

As we’ve written earlier, the way that nutrition, food and diet subjects have been arranged in the MeSH tree explosion system has made it tricky to do comprehensive, all-inclusive searching. This has been the case because the three subjects have been in different places in the MeSH tree structure, so that each of them had to be searched separately, and then combined together to cover the subject. It’s likely that many people have searched only for “nutrition,” since that seems to them like the most general term to cover the field. By doing this, however, they have been missing citations on “food” and “diet,” which actually are much larger explosions in the MeSH tree structure than “nutrition.”

We are happy to report that the newly released MeSH changes for 2016 do have a new explosion that goes a long way to fixing the problem:

Diet, Food, and Nutrition [MeSH page]
… Beverages +
… Food +
… Nutritional Physiological Phenomena +
… … Diet+

This is a great advance! It’s no longer necessary to search nutrition, food and diet subjects because they’re now together in the new explosion –  Click here to see the results of  a search of the new explosion.

There are still a few nutrition-food-diet subjects that the new MeSH explosion does not cover (that are included in our hedge) but for most we recommend the new explosion highly!

DynaMed Upgraded to DynaMed Plus

Hardin Library recently upgraded to DynaMed Plus (  DynaMed Plus features a new, cleaner interface, an improved search engine, and an easier-to-use navigation panel on the left side of each topic.  Topics now (or will soon) feature a section called Overview and Recommendations at the beginning, providing quick background information and graded, evidence-based management recommendations.  Longer, more in-depth information then follows. ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes are given for each condition and guidelines and patient information are available. Drug content, such as medication management and lab recommendations, is now provided by Micromedex. More than 4000 graphics and images are included in DynaMed Plus to aid diagnosis and treatment.


Dynamed Plus also has an improved mobile app, available for iOS and Android devices. Click on Mobile Use – Get the DynaMed Plus Mobile App in the lower left corner of DynaMed’s search page for more information.

For more information, contact your Hardin Library liaison or Hardin Reference staff at 319-335-9150 or



Worldwide Use of Iowa Research Online (IRO)

The publications in Iowa Research Online (IRO) are very widely used. From July 2014–June 2015, the items were downloaded more than 1.5 million times!

This map shows the downloads of content from IRO during the last fiscal year. Adjust the map in the window below to see more countries. Move your cursor over the map to see the counts from each country. You can also see a large version of the map.

If you want to include your scholarship in IRO to increase its global reach, contact you subject specialist at the University Libraries.

Exam Master Online Content Update on August 17, 2015

A new content update is planned for Exam Master Onine on August 17, 2015. Please see below for a brief summary of materials impacted and explanations from Exam Master®. Questions? Comments? Email us at or call (319) 335-9151.

USMLE Step 1

  • Removing: Versions 1, 2 & 3 of Practice Exams
  • Adding: Version 4 of Practice Exam, which incorporates the best questions from previous versions, along with new questions.

Certification Review

  • Removing: Surgery (ACS) will be retired because Exam Master® has not been able acquire new content.
  • Adding: Urgent Care, developed in partnership with the American Board of Urgent Care Medicine, (ABUCM)
  • Updating: Family Medicine has been updated after a thorough review.

Physician Assistant (PA) Resources

  • Removing: the Clinical Modules for PA’s and the Medical Subjects Modules for PA’s
  • Adding: CRS (Certification Review Series) and Biomedical Subjects and Clinical Subjects outlines; also adding USMLE Step 1 Board Review & Medical Subjects, USMLE Step 2 and Step 3 Medical Subject Outlines


  • Removing: Supplemental Medical Sciences for Pharmacy
  • Adding: Biomedical Subjects and Clinical Subjects outlines.

Exam Master Online can be found it on the Health Sciences Databases A-Z list on the home page for Hardin Library.

ClinicalKey, Other Elsevier Resources Undergoing Maintenance, Saturday, August 1

All Elsevier products will be undergoing maintenance on Saturday, August 1, beginning at 5:00 pm central time, until approximately 10:30 pm.

ClinicalKey will still be available, but individual log-ins, used to view PDFs and save content within ClinicalKey, will be unavailable.  HTML views of chapters and articles will still be available.

All other Elsevier resources, including journals and books accessed through the ScienceDirect platform and EMBASE, are expected to be unavailable.

Embase: Tips For Navigating A Powerful & Tricky Resource

By Eric Rumsey
Embase, which we described in an earlier article, is a powerful biomedical database which is comparable to PubMed. Unfortunately, the interface for Embase is rather difficult to navigate, especially for new users. We have created two resources for beginning users:

A 2-page handout: Basic Searching in EMBASE

A slide set that shows the first steps in doing a successful search in Embase: Embase: Use Quick Search To Do Mapping!

A slide set that shows the steps to do a simple search on heart attack and aspirin: Embase Searching- A Basic Tutorial

New Resource: Cochrane Clinical Answers

The library now has a subscription to Cochrane Clinical Answers (CCAs). CCAs are derived from Cochrane systematic reviews and provide clinicians with short answers to clinical questions at the point of care.The website allows browsing by disease categories and keyword searching. Each CCA contains a clinical question, a short answer, and links to relevant Cochrane systematic reviews. See the screenshot below for an example.  Note that CCAs are still in development, and there is not a CCA for every Cochrane systematic review.

Similar resources to be used by clinician at the point of care include DynaMed and UpToDate, both of which can be found at the Health Sciences Resources A-Z page.

Questions? Comments? Email us at or call (319) 335-9151.

CCA screenshot