Syphilis and Paul Ehrlich: an Historical Case Study Sahachiro Hata, working in Paul Erlich’s laboratory in 1908, discovered the arsenic compound arsphenamine (later known as Salvarsan), which was the first effective treatment for syphilis. The disease, which is transmitted either sexually or congenitally, begins as a superficial affliction but can lead to serious complications includingContinue reading “New Exhibit in the John Martin Rare Book Room”
Tag Archives: medical history
Notes from the John Martin Rare Book Room, July 2014: Nathaniel Highmore
Nathaniel Highmore (1613-1685) Corporis Humani Disquisitio Anatomica The Hague: Ex oficina Samuelis Brown, 1651. [Image via Fisher Library Digital Collections, University of Toronto]. Nathaniel Highmore of Dorset, England was a British surgeon known for his 1651 treatise on anatomy, the first of its kind to give an accurate account of the circulatory system. Highmore studiedContinue reading “Notes from the John Martin Rare Book Room, July 2014: Nathaniel Highmore”
Nineteenth Century Davenport as a Hotbed of Controversial Alternative Medical Schools : Nettleton speaks Thursday, June 19
The University of Iowa History of Medicine Society and the Iowa Women’s Archives invite you to hear: Greta Nettleton University of Iowa Press author and historian, resident of New York speaking on: Nineteenth century Davenport as a Hotbed of Controversial Alternative Medical Schools Mrs. Dr. Rebecca J. Keck was a controversial, self-taught eclectic physician andContinue reading “Nineteenth Century Davenport as a Hotbed of Controversial Alternative Medical Schools : Nettleton speaks Thursday, June 19”
Elements of the Practice of Medicine
Notes from the John Martin Rare Book Room June, 2014 RICHARD BRIGHT (1789-1858) and THOMAS ADDISON (1793-1860). Elements of the practice of medicine. London: Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1839. [ezcol_1half] [/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]This rare work represents a joint undertaking by two of the most famous physicians in nineteenth-century Europe. The preface describes it asContinue reading “Elements of the Practice of Medicine”
Notes from the John Martin Rare Book Room, May 2014: Jean Étienne Dominique Esquirol
Jean Étienne Dominique Esquirol (1772-1840) Des maladies mentales considérées sous les rapports médical, hygiénique et médicolégal. 2 vols. Brussels : J.B. Tircher, 1838. Esquirol’s drawing of an inmate of Bethlem Hospital. As Pinel’s most outstanding pupil, Esquirol so closely followed his teacher’s works that the contributions of the two men are sometimes confused. Like Pinel, EsquirolContinue reading “Notes from the John Martin Rare Book Room, May 2014: Jean Étienne Dominique Esquirol”
R. Palmer Howard Dinner April 25: W. Bruce Fye on the Mayo Clinic
The University of Iowa History of Medicine Society announces the R. Palmer Howard Dinner 6 pm on Friday, April 25, 2014 W. Bruce Fye, Professor of Medicine & Medical History, Mayo Clinic, will speak on: The Origins and Evolution of the Mayo Clinic from 1864 to 1939: A Minnesota Family Practice Becomes an International MedicalContinue reading “R. Palmer Howard Dinner April 25: W. Bruce Fye on the Mayo Clinic”
The Father of Biomechanics: Giovanni Alfonso Borelli, 1680-1681
Borelli. [Image via] Giovanni Alfonso Borelli (1608-1679) was an Italian Renaissance physicist who sought to make mechanical laws applicable to all physiological phenomena. Borelli, who studied at Padua under Galileo, regarded the human body essentially as a machine whose functions could be explained by the laws of physics. He mentored Marcello Malpighi– who wentContinue reading “The Father of Biomechanics: Giovanni Alfonso Borelli, 1680-1681”
John Martin Rare Book Room Open House March 27
The University of Library History of Medicine Society invites you to Incunabula in a Medical Context Open House Thursday, March 27, 4:30-7 pm Incunabula are early printed books dating from 1450 to 1500, immediately after the introduction of the printing press. The John Martin Rare Book Room at the Hardin Library for the Health Sciences will be openingContinue reading “John Martin Rare Book Room Open House March 27”