Hard to believe that it is already time for finals! We have added hours and free coffee to help you make it through!
Extended hours:
We also will have free coffee, and lemonade (while supplies last)! We’ll keep the coffee hot and the lemonade cold for you!
Please help save the environment and bring your own cup!
Don’t forget the lower level of the library is a dedicated quiet study space, with study carrels, easy chairs, bean bag and gamer chairs!
We also have plenty of space on the main level for individual or group study. We have two group study pods with white boards and pod 1 has MediaScape®. (Please reserve study time in the pods by using the sign-up sheets by each pod). We have several group study tables. We also have 2 print stations, 2 scanners, study carrels, and computers. And, don’t forget the computers in the multipurpose room!
If you are in need a bit of a break – we’ve got you covered there, too! We have more Color by Number – Engineering Style grids! There will also be Legos® on hand! Take a break and let your mind relax for a bit!
Good luck with finals!