Are you looking for resources pertinent to your Engineering major? Check out all the subject guides we have available right from our webpage. The “Subject Guides” tab will take you to a number of helpful links and information. What you need to know is all located in one convenient place. The A to Z links will take you to links for library-wide scholarly journals, magazines, and databases.
As you begin to look ahead and plan your research for the semester, we can help from the beginning to the end. No matter what your engineering major is, you can start your research by searching Compendex. It is the most comprehensive bibliographic database of scientific and technical engineering research available, and it covers all engineering disciplines. It includes millions of bibliographic citations and abstracts from thousands of engineering journals and conference proceedings. When combined with the Engineering Index Backfile (1884 – 1969), Compendex covers 120 years of core engineering literature. An Xpress class on Compendex will be held on November 19th from 2:30 t0 3:00 in the Engineering Library multipurpose room.
We also have a subject guide on Standards which explains standards and where to find detailed information about them. There are also links to websites where you can begin your search. There is even a section on how to cite standards in your paper. The Standards Xpress class will be held on October 8th, from 2:30 to 3:00 in the Engineering Library multipurpose room..
Our Patent subject guide explains everything from what a patent is, what can be patented and what you need to know for a patent application. There is also detailed information on how and where to search and how to cite patents. The Xpress class, Learn Patent Searching, will be held on October 22 and is a basic introduction to patent searching. It will be held in the Engineering Library multipurpose room from 2:30 to 3:00 p.m.
Wondering about product liability, but have no idea were to even begin looking? We can help with that, too! Our Product Liability subject guide will help you find out about laws and regulations, find links to useful blogs, and find out what books we have here in our own library. A few of the other subject guides cover Engineering Ethics, ADA and Universal Design, and a Citation Guide.
Be sure to check out the Xpress classes that we offer. Each class provides valuable information about the resources that are available to you. Librarians will introduce you to the tools and provide you with a basic understanding of how they may be used. The instructors are more than willing to talk with you personally, answer your questions and help you find the resources that will be most helpful to you.
Prepare yourself for this semester’s projects – explore our website and check out all the information that is available in the subject guides!!