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What’s in store this semester at the Engineering Library

Welcome back! We’re happy to see you again. Here are a few events you can get involved in this semester with the Engineering Library:  Join a team today for the Engineering Open: Mini Golf Design Challenge!   The Mini Golf Design Challenge is back! Get creative and join a design team to build a mini golfContinue reading “What’s in store this semester at the Engineering Library”

Turkey Day patents

Happy Thanksgiving! Have you ever thought about all of the intellectual property that goes into your Thanksgiving feast? From roasting ovens to catchy jingles, intellectual property is everywhere. Have you ever gotten stuck on mashed-potato duty and just couldn’t bring yourself to do all that boiling and mashing? This Automatic Mashed Potato System could beContinue reading “Turkey Day patents”

Should you leave the leaves? Check out these selections from the Engineering Library to see for yourself

Fall is a beautiful time but very few people enjoy raking all of the beautiful leaves that collect on their lawns. Experts now say that raking every single leaf may not be necessary. When left in place, leaves serve as habitat for several types of wildlife, retain moisture in your yard, and can even helpContinue reading “Should you leave the leaves? Check out these selections from the Engineering Library to see for yourself”

Vote for People’s Choice in Capture Your Research Competition!

Vote for your favorite entry in our Capture Your Research: Image Competition! The submissions will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize in each of the categories for undergraduate, graduate student, or faculty/staff/researcher based on a panel of judges. But, there is also a 4th category that is called People’s Choice. Who winsContinue reading “Vote for People’s Choice in Capture Your Research Competition!”

Capture Your Research Submission Deadline is Approaching!

We are so excited to bring back our Capture Your Research art competition! For this competition, students, faculty, and staff can submit one image that sums up their research. In the past we have had entries that were traditional photography, microscopic photography, digital art, drawing, and more! Get inspired by past submissions here and seeContinue reading “Capture Your Research Submission Deadline is Approaching!”