This Halloween season, Frankenstein is everywhere. And no wonder, for the book turned 200 this year and is overdue for a party. While the monster is everywhere, what about the woman who created the famous story? We’ve asked our own Frankenstein expert and Curator of Science Fiction and Popular Culture, Peter Balestrieri to review theContinue reading “A look at Mary Shelley the Film”
Tag Archives: frankenstein
Conflicting views of Lackington’s – Publisher of Frankenstein – 3 pf 3 from Peter Balestrieri
Third in our series on Frankenstein related holdings from Peter Balestrieri. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein was published in 1818 by the firm of Lackington, Hughes, Harding, Mavor, & Jones. The deal worked by Percy Shelley called for printing five hundred copies, a short run even by the standards of the day. What kind of firm wasContinue reading “Conflicting views of Lackington’s – Publisher of Frankenstein – 3 pf 3 from Peter Balestrieri”
Mary and Percy Shelley Letter Mentions Frankenstein Rejections – 2 of 3 from Peter Balestrieri
Second in our series of three blog posts from Peter Balestrieri examining our holdings relating to Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein, or, The Modern Prometheus. On August 16, 1817, Mary began writing a letter to Marianne Hunt, Leigh Hunt’s wife. The Hunt’s and the Shelley’s were close friends, their correspondence is extensive, and many of thoseContinue reading “Mary and Percy Shelley Letter Mentions Frankenstein Rejections – 2 of 3 from Peter Balestrieri”
Frankenstein’s Cousin, The Vampyre – 1 of 3 from Peter Balestrieri
First of a series of three blog posts by Peter Balestrieri highlighting our collections relating to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. “It was a dark and stormy night” in June, 1816 that brought together some of Romantic literature’s shining lights to read ghost stories in the Villa Diodati near Geneva, Switzerland. Diodati had once hosted Milton and wasContinue reading “Frankenstein’s Cousin, The Vampyre – 1 of 3 from Peter Balestrieri”