- November “Old Gold” column from University Archivist David McCartney, “What Chicago, UI looked like 108 years ago”:
- Featuring UI Libraries staff Rob Shepard: Daily Iowa article: Keeping an Eye on Segregation in the Nation:
- Featuring photo from UI Archives: Iowa Now article: Celebrating points of pride, UI reflects on milestones in creating a welcoming environment for LGBTQ community
Tom Brokaw Donation News Coverage:
- “Iowa Now” Press Release:
- UI Special Collections blog:
- Press Citizen article:
- KWWL coverage:
- KWQC coverage:
New Acquisitions:
Chautauqua Printer’s Blocks Update from Margaret Gamm
Special Collections recently received several small but hefty boxes of printers’ blocks from the Smith-Zimmermann Heritage Museum in Madison, South Dakota. Printers used these heavy metal and wood blocks in the late 19th and early 20th centuries to create promotional flyers and forms for Lake Madison Chautauqua events. One box contained several blocks related to the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair.
South Dakota had just become a state four years prior, so many people saw the World’s Fair as a prime place to promote the state. Several groups formed to raise funds for a display, and the state legislature eventually approved funding as well. By the time of the Fair, South Dakota had put together a building’s worth of exhibits. More information on South Dakota’s involvement in the fair is available through the University of South Dakota Archives and Special Collections Blog here:
The Lake Madison Chautauqua Association would have been a natural fit for an exhibitor. Chautauqua organizations sponsored community education programs that usually included lecturers in special topics like religion, astronomy, and history. Many presenters travelled around the country, allowing headliners to grow in fame.
The blocks in the images here were created with a variety of techniques and were meant to be used with different types of ink according to different methods. One of the newest types was photogravure, which allowed mass printing of photographic images.
Upcoming Events:
Arthur Bonfield, “The Why, How, What, and Result of 60 Years of Rare Book Collecting”
In December the Iowa Bibliophiles’ guest speaker will be Arthur Bonfield who will speak about his 60 years of rare book collecting.
Wednesday, December 14, 2016 at 7PM in the Special Collections Reading Room, 3rd Floor Main Library
Details on the UI Events Calendar:
Staff Publications:
Next Generation PhD
Amy Chen occasionally posts in the blog for the Newly Composed PhD: Writing Across Careers. This blog supports the efforts of the Next Generation PhD, a planning grant the University of Iowa received from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) to support inquiry to better understand challenges to doctoral education. Her most recent piece is called “PhDs in the Library.”
From Our Online Communities:
Iowa Women’s Archives on Tumblr highlighted some of the papers of female politicians that are held in the archives.
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