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Did You Know? You Can Get FREE newspaper articles.

Did you know that you shouldn’t PAY for newspaper and magazine articles that you find on the Web? The next time you’re asked for your credit card while doing your research online, check the UI Libraries’ resources first. Our Resources by Type – News and Newspapers will link you to a wide range or currentContinue reading “Did You Know? You Can Get FREE newspaper articles.”

Kraft Earns Midwest Archives Conference Presidents’ Award

Nancy E. Kraft, Head of Preservation at the UI Libraries has been selected as a 2009 recipient of the Presidents’ Award presented by the Midwest Archives Conference. Nancy has advocated for the preservation and proper management of Iowa’s cultural treasures throughout her career.  She is a leader in the Iowa Conservation and Preservation Consortium andContinue reading “Kraft Earns Midwest Archives Conference Presidents’ Award”

Book Delivery to Campus Offices

You asked for an easier method of getting access to library materials, and we were listening. Beginning for the spring semester, the UI Libraries is partnering with Central Mail Services to deliver books to your UI campus office, including Oakdale Campus and the UIHC. Once you find a book you would like to check out,Continue reading “Book Delivery to Campus Offices”

Art Library Requests

Winter Interim Notice:  delivery requests will continue as usual except for the week of December 22 when requests received after midnight of the 22nd will be processed on December 29. The art library staff office will be closed on December 24-28. For more information about how to request Art Library materials while the library isContinue reading “Art Library Requests”

Music Library Services Over Interim

The Rita Benton Music Library (RBML) will be moving to the Main Library over the Winter Break. To accommodate the move, RBML staff and services to the public will be suspended from Saturday, December 20, 2008 through Thursday, January 15, 2009 . Once settled, our reference and print collections will be housed on the second floorContinue reading “Music Library Services Over Interim”

Chemistry and Music Collections Moving

Beginning Monday, the chemistry materials which are currently housed on the second floor of the Main Library will move to the Hardin Library for the Health Sciences. The move should be completed within two days and will likely affect the use of some elevators in these two buildings and may pose some temporary inconvenience. TheContinue reading “Chemistry and Music Collections Moving”

Managing Through Adversity: Iowa Libraries and Flood of 2008

How did librarians manage the natural disasters throughout Eastern Iowa?  Please join the School of Library and Information Science for this exciting and informative panel as those in the trenches relay their first-hand knowledge of disaster planning, managing volunteers, preservation efforts at area museums and libraries, and ongoing activities by public and academic libraries toContinue reading “Managing Through Adversity: Iowa Libraries and Flood of 2008”

Engage Her! Film Screening and Discussion – Oct 28

If the election this year is anything like 2004, 70 percent of Asian American women and Latinas, and 40 percent of African American women will be missing at the polls on Election Day. Learn how to make this election different. Engage Her! Getting Minority Women to Lead and Vote Film Screening and Discussion Tuesday, OctoberContinue reading “Engage Her! Film Screening and Discussion – Oct 28”

Yeager Elected President of UI African American Council

Reference and Instruction Librarian Von Yeager was recently elected president of the UI African American Council. Von has been actively involved with the Council since coming to the University Libraries last year. His term as president will begin October 1. Von also serves on the Hubbard Task Force for the Retention and Success of AfricanContinue reading “Yeager Elected President of UI African American Council”