On Wednesday, November 11 at 10:30 – 11:30 a.m., the University of Iowa Libraries will host guest speaker Heidi Imker, director of the Research Data Service (RDS) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Imker’s seminar, “Capitalizing on Research Data: Management, Dissemination, and Archiving,” will explain how researchers can meet new funder requirements for research dataContinue reading “UI Libraries to host public seminar on research data”
Category Archives: Faculty News
Guest Post: The Janus Faces of Open Access Publishing
During the month of Open Access week (October 19-25) we will be highlighting a number of guest posts from University of Iowa Faculty and Staff who have personal experience making their work Open Access. We appreciate their contributions. The second guest post is by Frederick Domann, PhD; Director, Molecular & Cellular Biology Graduate Program; Co-director,Continue reading “Guest Post: The Janus Faces of Open Access Publishing”
SEEKING NOMINATIONS: Arthur Benton University Librarian’s Award for Excellence
The University Libraries is seeking nominations for the Arthur Benton University Librarian’s Award for Excellence. Funded by a generous endowment, this prestigious award acknowledges a library staff member’s professional contributions in the practice of librarianship, service to the profession, scholarship, or leadership which has had a significant impact or innovation to the operations of theContinue reading “SEEKING NOMINATIONS: Arthur Benton University Librarian’s Award for Excellence”
Guest Post: Open Access is the way that new knowledge is made…easier
During the month of Open Access week (October 19-25) we will be highlighting a number of guest posts from University of Iowa Faculty and Staff who have personal experience making their work Open Access. We appreciate their contributions. The first guest post is by Associate Professor, Rachel Marie-Crane Williams, Ph.D. University of Iowa, Departmental ExecutiveContinue reading “Guest Post: Open Access is the way that new knowledge is made…easier”
Talk About Just Living: Classroom Strategies for Social Justice Learning in the Public Sphere
The Main Library Learning Commons invites you to attend the faculty workshop Talk About Just Living: Classroom Strategies for Social Justice Learning in the Public Sphere on Friday, September 18th from 1:30-4:30pm. Take advantage of the second annual Theme Semester Just Living in Spring 2016 to infuse your assignments with social justice issues that will resonate with yourContinue reading “Talk About Just Living: Classroom Strategies for Social Justice Learning in the Public Sphere”
Change to Emeritus Faculty Borrowing
The policy to allow emeritus faculty at CIC libraries to be able to check out books at those libraries has recently been changed. To view more information about this service, visit http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/circ/reciprocal/ or http://ask.lib.uiowa.edu/a.php?qid=219626.
Math Journals Moving Location in Main Library
To improve findability for the journals held in the Main Library, the math collection journals are being moved from the 2nd floor to the 3rd floor and will be located adjacent to the other journals. Bookstacks staff are beginning to move these materials upstairs and in a few months you will be able to findContinue reading “Math Journals Moving Location in Main Library”
Remote Delivery Service Available to Faculty
Will you be spending your summer doing research outside the Iowa City/Cedar Rapids metro area but still need access to library materials? Take advantage of our remote delivery service! While searching the library catalog, place a delivery request for remote delivery and enter in the address where the book should be delivered. We use UPSContinue reading “Remote Delivery Service Available to Faculty”
New Service for Faculty: Renew Your Loans Online
The University Libraries is pleased to announce that faculty, graduate students, honors students, and P&S staff will now be able to go online (via My Account) and renew annual loans (currently due in June 2015). You no longer need to bring your loans to a campus library to be renewed on-site. This service change seeksContinue reading “New Service for Faculty: Renew Your Loans Online”
Changes in the Main Library Periodical Collection
The Libraries is making the periodical collection on the third floor of Main Library more orderly and accessible by reorganizing all volumes into a single alphabetically arranged sequence. A project is underway to shelve the current issues with the rest of their bound volumes. Bound periodicals run in alphabetical order on the east side ofContinue reading “Changes in the Main Library Periodical Collection”