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UI Librarian, Jennifer DeBerg, Receives Arthur Benton Award

Jennifer DeBerg is recipient of the Arthur Benton Excellence in Reference Services Professional Development Award. This award is given biennially to a University Libraries’ professional staff member who has demonstrated outstanding commitment in providing reference service for the university community. The honor includes a $1,000 stipend to be used for professional development activities related toContinue reading “UI Librarian, Jennifer DeBerg, Receives Arthur Benton Award”

Zine Library Day

July is International Zine Month and July 21 is Zine Library Day, a chance to celebrate self-publishing collections around the world. Zines are self-published works, made for passion rather than for profit. Libraries collect zines because they represent perspectives and topics that aren’t included in other forms of media. The zine collections in the UIContinue reading “Zine Library Day”

Annual R. Palmer Howard Dinner : Spot Ward, Crazy Sally, and the Chevalier Taylor: Three Medical Quacks in 18th Century Britain

The University of Iowa History of Medicine Society announces the R. Palmer Howard Dinner for 2012, Friday, April 13, 2012, 6:00-9:30. Lynda Payne, prof. in Medical Humanities & Bioethics, and History, University of Missouri Kansas City will speak on “Spot Ward, Crazy Sally, and the Chevalier Taylor: Three Medical Quacks in Eighteenth-Century Britain”. Reception, dinnerContinue reading “Annual R. Palmer Howard Dinner : Spot Ward, Crazy Sally, and the Chevalier Taylor: Three Medical Quacks in 18th Century Britain”

Sisters, There’s a Women’s Center in Iowa City!

Celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Women’s Resource and Action Center with a piece of cake and a lively discussion of the early days of WRAC and the women’s liberation movement in Iowa City.  Panelists will include Sondra Smith, Gayle Sand, Sandy Pickup, Jill Jack, with Laurie Haag moderating.    Friday, March 23, 20124:00-6:00 p.m.Iowa Women’sContinue reading “Sisters, There’s a Women’s Center in Iowa City!”

Celebrate Pi Day (belatedly) at the Libraries on March 19

Pi, Greek letter, is the symbol for the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Pi Day is celebrated by math enthusiasts around the world on March 14th. Pi = 3.1415926535…. Pi is used in many different fields and can be seen in our everyday lives. It may be seen in art,Continue reading “Celebrate Pi Day (belatedly) at the Libraries on March 19”